Sunday, June 28, 2020

6/28/20 $600 HEB Grocery Run?

    I don't think we have ever run the bill up this high, even when we have gone to guy groceries for Thanksgiving.  I was a little shocked, if we can be honest here, and I have to say, this one is mostly on Wife and her fears over Covid-19.  Yes, in the early months, I was making large purchases buying a freezer because we didn't have enough space to store meats and stuff and also an extra gun, just to round out our arsenal, mostly after getting my blood going after talking to my mom.  This time, it was Wife, after talking to one of her sisters, she was informed that they had been shopping in San Antonio and could not find toilet paper in various HEB's, Wal-marts and even a Sam's.  I was trying to get through the weekly visit and maybe spend just $100 since about every time we go, we spend close to $300.
    Wife also spends every afternoon listening to what the governor has to say, and although he keeps saying he will not shut down the state again, she doesn't quite believe him, it doesn't match the message, of wanting to reduce cases in the state.  If there were to be a statewide isolation order, she wants to be one step ahead and have a stocked freezer so we don't have to worry about our meals.  It is also really nice shopping at the new HEB they just opened here at the corner of I-35 and Slaughter Lane in South Austin.
    We went shopping on Friday thinking it would be a little less crowded before 5:00pm, when people are supposed to be at work.  Wrong.  It was just as packed as a regular Saturday afternoon.  I will say the saving grace for this week was the $285 food card we got for having a kid at a "disadvantaged school" where he gets free lunch, for some reason, that was a qualifying feature to get this one time credit card Wife just so happened to have heard of.  Crockett HS is a poor school, so we qualified.
    The first thing I went after was the toilet paper which I was surprised to find in abundance.  Still, I grabbed two large packs of 18 mega rolls= 72 regular rolls.  We still had plenty of rolls at the house, this could probably last us until the end f the year.  We were doing good though, some sodas, some other supplies, Boy gave us a small list of things for him and Sweetie.  Then we got to the meat and I don't even know how but we went overboard.  Part of the problem is that I have my dehydrator and since I am off, I want to have meat to make jerky.  I bought enough meat to make two separate jerky sessions and then I got some salmon to try and make salmon jerky too.  We didn't grab any crazy Atkins brand foods this week, they are pricey, but last week we found some low carb ice cream and I got two tubs and Wife got two packages with fudge bars, so that helped to add it up.
    I was shocked when we were paying and everything was broken down and taken out of the basket.  It is a good thing we had that food card thing but I was still sure we had gone over what I keep in the bank, and wanted to hurry home to move over more money from our savings, but then Wife said her paycheck had gone in that morning, a little early, but in time to save our ass.  The good thing is that we are well stocked now, for Sunday, we are making some brisket and ribs out on the grill and now that Wife is home for the next two weeks, I am looking forward to just hanging out here.  I mean, it is our duty as good citizens to just stay home and help the cause to bring down the infection rate for the country.

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