Tuesday, June 23, 2020

6/24/20 This Might Not Be A Test?

    We knew we would see it eventually make it into the house and apparently, it came sooner than I  thought.  Sweetie came down sick on Monday morning, sick enough that she is going to get tested for corona Tuesday (writing this Tuesday morning).  I don't blame her for getting sick, with the huge increase in Austin cases, it was only a matter of time.  I can only hope that we all come out safe if it is our turn to be exposed.  I personally would have liked to have waited a few more months, just in case better medicines are around the corner.  If it turns to that, at least right now, there are still plenty of hospital beds as the governor states at his daily briefings, if we get that sick and there have been at least two new medicinal routes to go, Remdisivir and Dextramethasone, both of which have been shown in studies to help improve survival rates.
    I don't want to be all doom and gloom, but Boy slept with her all weekend, so if anyone of us has it, I don't see how he doesn't.  The rest of us might be a crapshoot, but we are here in the house fulltime and just breathing the same air and eating the same foods, so I figure we will all have it if she has it.  The scary part is that we don't know how any of us will react to the virus, the worst outcome being death.  If we all fall in the 95-97% of people that seem unaffected, then let's get this infection over with.
    As shitty as things seem, if we are all exposed and we come out the other side unscathed, we will be baptized and ready to exist in the new world, the virus probably won't kill us.  We can start planning little trips without fear of getting exposed to the virus out on a whim.  It has sucked being locked indoors trying to avoid the world and the danger.  I miss the mall, I miss being out and about, and I do miss the occasional dining experiences that are different.
    It has been so bad, that since February, we have only seen my folks once and my in-laws once.  That is not normal for us, as we usually see them usually every 4-6 weeks.  We also haven't allowed much company, like Girlie has not been over to visit or hang out since February as well.  She does seem to live in a different world, as we see on her Snapchat and stuff, that she gets around with her family, to casinos, to gatherings with her friends.  That is all fine, but we were trying to be safe, so we told her not to come by.  DD is another one, just this passed weekend, I was lecturing him that we love having him at the house, but we just can't let you stay if you are going to continue going to dances and other social events all the time.  He agreed that he was about over all the silly stuff he does.  I think he would like to get back with his ex, so I told him to just focus on him.
    I talked to my bosses and after a conversation with EHS (environmental, Health, and Safety), the protocol is to stay quarantined if there is a chance of being positive.  I can return to work if she is negative or if I have been in quarantine for two weeks.  I was going to be off next week and the week after that, when Wife gets her time off.  I don't know if this week counts as vacation or more of a cautionary time away.  Either way, for now, I still feel fine, and I hope I feel this way in a month too.

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