Saturday, June 6, 2020

6/6/20 Two Faces Of Protest? (Part 2 of 2)

    Like I said, life is not just black or white, we have seen some good things on TV during the course of the protests.  If people could just keep it peaceful, their message would carry so much more clout.  It has been good to see the police forces out not just enforcing safety, but also siding with the protestors time and again.  I liked the chief of police for Minneapolis coming down into the masses to be with the people and condemning the actions of his officers that were responsible for killing Floyd.  He then took direct questions from the Floyd family on live TV and that was all good.  In cities all over the US, from top down, police chiefs to new recruits have come and joined in the peaceful protests, Chief Monahan, the highest ranking police officer in New York, took a knee with the protestors, which was also powerful as other protestors were throwing water bottles and people are yelling in microphones.  We should all know that police officers are people, and people from the neighborhood they serve.  Cops aren't bred on some special farm and then sent to different neighborhoods, no, they pretty much serve where they were born and grew up, I feel most officers are good people trying to do the best they can.
    Some of the other powerfully good things we have seen was a video where everyone was on their stomachs enacting the final moments of George Floyd's life and a young woman is on a microphone repeating his final words of "I can't breath" and "Mama".  This is tear jerking and even going back to see the actual video of him down on the ground, it doesn't make sense why four officers can't just pick him up and load him in the car.  Maybe as I had said a couple days ago, he was giving them a hard time and fought them to end up outside the car on the floor.  Kick his ass, and get him back in the car.  This was plain up murder, if he sat there catching his breath (the bad cop) for nine minutes, it is way excessive and hearing the words he is saying in a silent crowd was pretty chill inducing.
    How about the local gangs joining the police?  The Latin Kings in Chicago sent out a message to the cops not to worry about their neighborhoods, they would be out making sure no looters destroyed property.  I love this because looting and rioting is not what this is supposed to be about.  I love seeing the store owners standing in front of their businesses locked and loaded waiting for idiots to do idiot things.  The stupid say "you are just protecting stuff, people are more important."  What is stuff for some is how others feed their families and make a living.  If you burn down someone's store, how are they going to feed their families?  This naïve thinking always pisses me off. 
    We could also see amongst the crowds, people stopping people from acting a fool.  In one an idiot white kid smashes the storefront of a business and then a big black guy walks up and takes the skateboard from him.  The idiot kid looks back and just drops his shoulders, deflated, and skulks off.  Maybe the black man was defending his business or maybe it is a place he enjoys going to, but again, there is nothing to gain from destroying businesses if you live there and you depend on them for your services or goods.

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