Saturday, June 13, 2020

6/13/20 Pain In My Knee?

    I know the  main problem with my knee is being a 400 pounder, it is not some mystery.  That being said, I was fine maybe 5-6 months ago before corona started, then at some point I dropped down on my knees like I had done 1000 times as a kid, but this time I came back up hobbling on my right knee.  Figuring it was some sort of bruise, I decided to wait it out and the pain would go away on its own.  While this was going on, I started depending on my left leg to help me out, specially when getting up off a chair, or in general when getting up to a standing/walking position.
    I don't know when my right leg healed, but the pain transferred and now my left knee is in constant pain.  It is a weird pain that seems to hurt more when I tuck my legs under me when sitting on a chair, for example.  I used to get comfortable in bed by taking my left foot and tucking it under the knee of my right leg and doing both those things causes a lot of pain very quickly.  The pain seems to settle down if I try to make my leg straight.  I only worry about stretching the leg and not having my legs where they could catch me/ slow me down if the chair were to break under me.
    I was almost glad I too the last two days off from work this week as the idea of walking from the parking lot to the lab seemed like a formidable challenge I was not up to meeting.  It is bad enough walking with a mask to encounter a temperature scanner I am sure I will fail simply from huffing and puffing in the sun but I seem to get past that fine.
    Enter my mom, we went and saw her this weekend.  At some point she noticed I was hobbling favoring my right leg and she asked me what was wrong.  I told her, and she gave me a cream to try.  The gel is called diclofenac sodium gel 3% and I just apply it because she's my mom, mostly.  I was hoping to wake up like a magical ointment and be free of pain, but that did not happen.  I reapplied it the next day and have now applied it on maybe four times total.  I want to say that my leg still hurts, but maybe it is starting to feel better.  I am not sure if it is because I have been home and not really overusing my leg.
    The ironic thing is my mom is giving a little lecture about needing to lose weight and she doesn't want me to have a stroke, but when I looked at the side effects of this diclofenac stuff, the biggest risk factor is it could increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.  Hmm?  What to do, what to do?  On the one hand, it might be helping me, I am a fat mofo, but haven't been diagnosed with a weak heart.  On the other hand, should I just let nature take its course and eventually the pain will go away?  I mean my mom is pleading to do something so I won't have a heart attack, but she gives me a gel that might increase the risk of a heart attack.  I know she wants to help me, but maybe a light stroke will make me take life more seriously and then I'll get on a diet?  Hmm...  😉

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