Friday, June 5, 2020

6/5/20 Two Faces Of Protest? (Part 1 of 2)

    It would be much easier to see things in black and white (not trying to be clever), but things are never that easy.  I do admit that I started very much a liberal and it has only been the last few years that I feel myself swinging the other way, not because I have any love for Trump, I still think he is a buffoon, but the left is mostly lost and pandering to the weak and those who won't do for themselves.  I have always believed in working hard and not relying on outside assistance, the left seems to want you to have something wrong so they can brand you and thereby own you by "feeling pain with you."
    I agree with everyone, what happened to George Floyd was wrong and a horrible way to die.  It has now come out that the four arresting officers are being charged with various degrees of murder and aiding and abetting murder, it seems like the right thing to do given the video footage.  This, of course, has been the break in the dam people have been waiting for, it doesn't help that millions are at home because of covid-19 fears and the masses were already wanting a reason to break their isolation rules (which has been for their own safety, not any form of punishment).  Man!  We just see so many people that are honestly well rested and with too much pent up energy, it is almost like it was set up to go off this way.
    The first few nights Wife and I were watching and MAYBE THE MEDIA MANIPULATES and only shows us the bad stuff, but it is there.  We see people coming up to the police lines and yelling at them, throwing water bottles and then escalating to all sorts of mayhem and dangerous activities, like rolling dumpsters at security gates.  At what point is a person sitting at home supposed to feel sympathy for the protesters when this is what we see?  To make matters worse, night comes and the looting starts, people en masse start heading to the nice stores and breaking windows to profit from people who have nothing to do with the protesting.  Again, as someone who works hard and buys everything honestly even if I am up to my ass in credit cards, why should I feel empathy for this behavior?  Everyone that I have talked to from family to coworkers are all disgusted by what we see on screen, the people protesting aren't helping their cause, they are kind of proving why the cops need to come down hard on the criminal element.  No, I am not saying it is only black people, plenty of idiot white people are seen busting windows with their skateboards or Hispanics participating by throwing stuff at the cops.
    One of the scenes that really pissed me off personally was the big red truck carrying gas or something in a tanker.  My dad and uncle were truck drivers and it is not an easy life.  They spend 90% of their time alone delivering all the shit we take for granted in our easy lives.  Just a couple weeks ago we were thanking them and flying stupid jet formations thanking them for their unwavering attitudes in continuing to work and deliver the goods we need to survive as most of America was locked down.  Fast forward to a bunch of idiots playing on the street and they got mad when they almost got run over.  I am fine with downtown getting plugged up and making traffic come to a stand still, but freeways are different and people shouldn't be allowed on them.  Freeways are laid down to get commerce (food, gas, clothing, goods) from point A to Point B in a fast fashion.  It is how we move in most of America.  Yes, the road had been closed off, but he accidentally ended up on it, I think I would have panicked too, if 5000 people were swarming me like ants coming to feed on a dead grasshopper.  Looking at it on TV was scary, I cannot imagine being the driver.

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