Friday, June 19, 2020

6/19/20 Ouroboros?

    I know I have been obsessing about the events going on lately, but I can't stop watching youtube videos of Live PD and others that show real life situations.  I do not understand why Live PD is getting removed, it is awesome and shows real life unfiltered reality.  If you are against being on the show, don't do stupid shit that gets the cops called on you.  Most of the time, it is the same thing, people driving badly, people getting called on for fighting, or cops responding to aid in an emergency and finding people giving signs of being high or on drugs.
    Regardless, the latest video that kind of shocked me an stayed in my thoughts was a video of an elderly man, who went by the alias Ricardo Spain and was knocked out once by Mike Tyson.  This is from a video from Active Self Protection, they post videos daily about what was done and/or could have been done better in a given attack.  But back to Mr. Spain who is riding the city bus and getting harassed by 2-4 teens.  The elderly man is minding his own business standing by the back doors, I assume he was getting off quickly so why get comfortable sitting down.  It is also possible he knew the group of kids harassing him, and thus wanted to stay on his feet and alert.  After some back and forth (there is no audio) but clearly one of the boys comes up to Mr. Spain and gets in his face, almost makes the two fists like "come on, let's fight."  While getting in his face, the kid does poke and prod the elder and the old man reacts by taking out a handgun which makes the kid realize "I better cut my shit out."
    I don't know where these types of kids are raised, and I am not saying it because they are black, but if someone pulls a gun on me, I am going to want distance and I will surely let him know he is the man and in charge.  This little gang all got agitated, even a girl in the group got up to get in his face about the gun.  What is the disconnect there, I mean a gun gets waved around and your reaction is to go to it, that is why I labeled this Ouroboros, a snake that eats itself.  This is what keeps the poor black community down.  First of all, respect a gun, cops don't carry them for decoration, when you attack them or fight them, it is an option for them.
    In the video, the girl kicks him as he gets off at his stop and one of the cooler kids first lifts his pants above his ass then kind of charges the old man.  He pulls the gun out a 2nd time, which kind of sends him back in the bus.  It should have ended there, they get in the bus and go on their way, but no.  This idiot proceeds to get off the bus with another one of his buddies and they start walking behind the old man.  Why?  He has a gun, you want to play with it?  As the bus pulls away and takes its cameras with it, we hear a cap and the story is that the cool tall kid who had finally managed to pull his pants above his waist got shot and he ran to a nearby house to call 911 and he died of his gunshot wound.
    Some would say sad, he was just a kid, he was going to be somebody.  Others would say nope, he seemed attracted to the taste of fast moving lead.  I find it very hard to feel sorry for idiots like this.  They work in groups, they terrorize people, take what is not theirs... I am just glad the elderly man was not hurt during this and maybe the rest of the gang learned a thing or two about a thing or two.

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