Sunday, November 5, 2017

11/6/17 Maybe The Lamest Weekend This Year?

    I guess I never officially mentioned the outcome but Wife got tired of me mentioning it.  FYI, for those that care, she did not take the job with TEA.  It would have meant too much of a pay cut for our budget.  I wanted it to work and I told her we would figure out a way, but it would have been almost impossible to keep up with our current bills.  Girlie leaving with her rent money did not make things any easier.  I really felt Wife likes the people and like we both agreed, not being together during the week usually makes the weekends that much better.
    This weekend was not a great one.  We didn't have much planned. and Wife got caught in a meeting, so she did not get here Friday until almost 9:00pm.  We managed to go get some Popeye's Chicken and watched some television until we fell asleep.  I thought Saturday would be better, but not really.  I wanted to sit and watch the Longhorns, to see how much they have improved, so during the day we went and got fajitas, sausage and stuff from Sam's.  I sat about an hour before the game started in front of our big screen and promptly fell asleep.  I woke later and the game was already at halftime.  Wife cooked the food inside which was good, but fajitas should really always be grilled.  I was just being lazy.  I sat and watched the end of the game, frustrated at the anemic efforts to move the ball on the offensive side.
    After this, we putzed around, took some Halloween decorations down, then went to our room to watch a couple shows that Wife records during the week.  As much trouble as I have staying awake during the day, I was up until 6:00am.  I forced myself to go to sleep, but still woke up around 11:30am to drink some coffee and eat some of this giant cinnamon roll the size of a cake Boy and his friend bought but foolishly left behind.
    Wife eventually came down and made breakfast which made me sleepy again.  She came up after we got into a small argument over her not reading cues.  It was nothing really, but I followed her upstairs, laid down and slept for what felt like two hours.  Wife watched a couple shows while I slept, but eventually it was time for her to go.  We went outside, did the whole goodbye thing, but ten minutes later she was back.  She had a low tire problem, which I think she's had a tire leaking for some time.  I filled all the tires to 40psi, and she left.  She made it to my folks in record slow time.  There was a need to stop in Lytle to get some food for some reason, either way, she got to Crystal around 7:30pm.
    I did my usual Sunday routine, washed any clothes that have gathered since Friday night, went to Target to get some food, I know not the best place, but it is the closest.  I then cooked Sloppy Joe's which turned out alright, if I do say so myself.  My awesome boys then let me wash the dishes to round out the evening.  Just looking forward to the week of Thanksgiving at the end of the month.

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