Tuesday, November 28, 2017

11/28/17 Another Anniversary Moment, Starting Year 4?

    I have now been writing for three years, and starting on my fourth year.  Technically, I still have not missed a day of writing, truthfully, some days I write multiple blogs to keep up.  There have been some missteps and I have lost a ton of sleep.  Occasionally, I don't have the time to write during the day and I find myself in desperate mode in the middle of the night.  I could excuse myself and just write a half ass thing, but I would feel like I was cheating.  My dad keeps telling me "who cares?  I wouldn't bother or loose sleep over this."  I know this, and I don't know that I going to gain anything or if anyone even cares but I am running on my own conscious and I don't like to let me down.
    Last year I mentioned  I was going to try to employ more images and pics, but this format doesn't exactly make it easy to do that.  On a couple of different occasions I added images, such as from the progression of my leg injury, but they didn't appear wherever Wife was looking through her phone or laptop, so I kind of lost interest in adding so many pics.  I don't know that I will be adding anything new other than some blogs will be short, specially on quiet days when I don't have much to write about.  Those are the hardest.  If I have the tiniest thing to complain about, I can fill the block in 20 minutes, but when I don't really have something new to discuss or complain about, man, it can take all night.  Sometimes I write about half of a blog, fall asleep on the keyboard and accidentally erase everything I've written.  That is very annoying and scary.
    I also mentioned I would be trying to read at least a book a month, but the months got away from me.  I read maybe three books.  I got bogged down by Christopher Hitchen's book which was more than the light reading I was hoping it would be.  He is one of the stronger proponents of atheism, so I like to read his stuff carefully, but that in itself makes it take longer.  I have about three-four new Bukowski books that I haven't made time for, so they are on the top of my reading list.  This alone gives me five books I need to digest that are sitting in my bathroom and bedroom.
    I am still battling this thing of sleeping too much.  I am trying to be up naturally, so if my body wants to get up at 8:00am on my day off, I will stay up and either read, learn something on the internet, or write something down.  I am at the point where I don't even turn on the TV, only watching it when Wife is here on the weekends.  I think with football season ending for Javalina, we should start an exercise routine, we would both benefit from it.  I used to have time to go work out when I was in the imaging section, but chemistry is so sample prep intensive, there doesn't seem to be a minute to get away that doesn't make me fall that much more behind.
    I just want to say it out loud, 2017 sucked humongous donkey balls.  With my leg taking almost until the summer to heal, the paycut, the loss of my truck, and Wife not taking the job that would have brought her back, we are in a holding pattern waiting for something to improve us.  Overall, we are not starving, or haven't lost the house, so things are not dire, but dammit, I am used to more and I don't like being tempered by life.  On a positive note, there is plenty of upside potential for 2018, so as the pervert in Alabama running for Senate Moore said to the GOP "Bring It On".

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