Saturday, November 25, 2017

11/26/17 Is Black Friday Still A Thing?

    I cannot believe perfectly good people get up at the crack of dawn or even stay up all night for a chance to go fight some poor old lady for a discounted toy, but then again, that is what we have been reduced to.  I have only been suckered in one time, back in 1997 or 1998.  Best Buy was advertising computers at a great price when they were still expensive and I thought I would try to get one.  It was total madness, the crowd of 60-80 people outside told me I had no chance in hell, but I knew where the computers were, I ran in that direction and within the 1-2 minutes it took to get there, there was no sign a great discount had even existed except for the empty pallets laying in the walkways.  I decided then and there that Black Friday deals are a myth and I wouldn't bother anymore.
    Dillard's does a nice thing, much classier than all that bullshit.  They invite their best customers, those that charge on their cards regularly, to a private Sunday evening sale.  The mall usually closes at 6:00pm or 7:00pm, but then Dillard's re-opens after they walk all the riff-raff out.  They  do it nice, with Christmas carolers, fountains of chilled drink, usually like 7up and cranberry, something like that.  Then a bunch of little finger foods, from cheese and grapes in one section, to tiny fudge pieces, cheesecake pieces, and other fancy treats.  For something like this, yes, I will get off my fat ass and go and spend some money.  To go fight with the unwashed masses, forget that.
    Yesterday, I got up at 8:00am after sleeping all day Thanksgiving, did our bills, wrote my blog, then at 4:00pm, I took a nap.  I wanted to go out to the mall and check things out, but we've already got our parent's gifts, and the boys aren't asking for much, so we don't really have too many gifts to buy this year.
    I saw an article asking if this was the last Black Friday.  I say it should about be.  More and more people are shopping online.  Maybe my boys are older, but there doesn't seem to be the "Tickle Me Elmo" toy out the last couple years that everyone needs to have.  I've asked the boys what they want and they have to think for a while.  Javalina says more video games, maybe a nice watch, like a Rolex (I'll start him off with something realistic).  Boy says if he wants something, he just orders it on Amazon, but maybe some boots.  I agree on the boots, we didn't buy him any new shoes at the start of this school year, the boots he wears daily are starting to look a little worn.  I told him, he is pretty much an adult, maybe some new pants, he doesn't need GI Joes anymore.  Plus we know about his addiction, he is constantly ordering stuff on Amazon he doesn't need, so it is Christmas year round for him.
    I got up early today (Saturday morning), I am about done writing this at 11:00am, plus I already went and changed Wife's oil on her car, so she is ready for the push to the final three weeks, I need to take one of the Christmas weeks off.  I meant to take Thanksgiving week off, but I got suckered in for the taste of a few hours of extra holiday pay.

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