Thursday, November 16, 2017

11/17/17 A Nice Afternoon Sans Wife?

    I know I am technically off every other Thursday, so this should feel normal, but for some reason or another, it seems like either I commit myself to do things or I end up working the free Thursdays, making up time.  This was not one of those Thursdays, I was sure I would be home, there hasn't been any OT hardly all year, we need a new sales guy, really.  But anyway, I decided after I dropped off Javalina at school, I would stop at HEB and get stuff for dinner.  I absolutely hate this HEB, the one on William Cannon and First, it always feels like someone is going to ask for money, last time I got hit in my vehicle by an a-hole who cursed me out after I yelled at him as he was making his getaway.
    Since I wanted simple hamburgers and even this place can handle ground beef and sausages, I went ahead and took a chance.  I got some Funyons and another bag of charcoal while I was at it, in case we had used it all up.  I then made my way home, before 8:30am.  I showered and stuff and was in bed before 9:00am.  I know the plan was to watch some youporn, but I didn't even get that far, I turned on the laptop next to the bed, fiddled with the earpieces, apparently, we all wear them wrong, they are supposed to go around the ears and drop in from the top, not with the line just dropping down.  Messing around with this idea, I never got to my sweet porn, I woke an hour later in my own drool and arm hanging off the bed.  I turned off laptop, peed and washed my face and went to sleep.  I awoke just in time to pick up Javalina late as I have been doing the last two weeks, well since football ended.
    We came home, I cut the grass, then fiddled around the garage and saw the bikes which made me call husky boy out.  He does not want to take off riding, and insists he is scared of falling off.  I am trying to be patient, but damn!  If he could get going, we could bike to the park after school, maybe even get a workout.  He is right there, we just need to mess around more often and he'll get the hang of it.  It was an added touch that Boy went outside and cleaned his SUV for once.  He even broke out the car vac, I was pretty impressed with his efforts.
    Before I even changed back to shorts, (yes, I cut the grass, but I do wear pants now) I went and started the grill.  I cooked some burgers and surprisingly, we managed to eat before 8:00pm.  I keep it real simple, it was hamburgers, sausages, and chips on the side.  Boy, of course, left right before we sat down to eat, his friends called and he had to go to Cabela's.  Javalina, DD, and myself ate together, not quite family time, but close enough.  Dirty Dog was telling me about him growing up and his parent's splitting up, which I never understood, his mom has been one of the nicest ladies I've met and just smoking hot.  There wasn't another woman, he just said his dad likes living alone, not being bothered by anyone, except for immediate family.
    Well my big hunk of a woman shows up tomorrow for a week, and she was already being a pain in the butt, make sure the boys vacuum, make sure the bathrooms are clean.  She can't be happy that I cut the grass and was washing clothes while grilling her boys dinner?  As I tell her all the time, Be nice, Vicky!!

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