Saturday, April 8, 2017

4/8/17 Wal-Mart To Wal-Mart Saves The World?

    Wal-Mart rules the world for a reason.  Apparently, it has more uses than I was even aware of.  This week, Wife lost the use of her credit card as she handled some magnets in her purse and they must have affected her cards.  Anyways, she heard of this Wal-Mart to Wal-Mart feature where you can send some money from one store to another, for a minimum charge.  I took $100 and went and got in line.  There in comes one of the reasons I hate going to Wal-Mart, the other customers.  There were four people in line, and I was probably there about half an hour.  The process is very easy, I gave them my name and address, then they wanted the info of who the money was going to and what Wal-Mart store to send it to.
    Once Wife had her money all I had to do was enjoy the scenery there in the Wal-Mart.  Like I said, I hate the customers there.  Southpark Meadows just has a problem with the homeless and hobos.  Their close counterparts, the enablers are also always around.  Why do people give these turds money, it is a waste, unless you like spending your nickels and dimes on cheap ass liquor.  I saw a bum with his paw extended out to a mother with three little kids.  I could tell the mother wasn't doing that great and the kids looked poor and dirty, but there she was, looking for her spare change to give to this roach.  I came out the other door after I bought a couple things and the roach was there with another bum friend.  He might have hit me up, but I walk with purpose so he wasn't going to catch up to me.  Not to worry, another bum with another problem was waiting in the car lot.  People always seem to need gas to continue on their journey when they park in this parking lot.  I got the usual "hey Buddy, do you think you can help my Wife and I with a little gas money?  We've run out and we're on our way to Louisiana."  I say sorry and I just carry my credit card, no cash and keep on moving.
     At least the sodas were on sale, I got a case of Pepsi cola for $5.88 and a case of Coca-Cola for $6.88.  Because it was not a good time to be shopping, I bought a bunch of junk food.  Along with the sodas, I bought two bags of chips, some Easter candy, a cake mix and a couple different cookies since we all like different things.
    I don't blame Wal-Mart entirely for this population of miscreants.  Maybe they were there before, maybe Southpark Meadows was always home to a population of humans who don't work a job full time, they just do enough to get by.  You can see their milk gallons where they carry their water, they try to blend into the bushes anywhere that greenery is planted.
    Anyways, this idea of Wal-Mart seems old fashioned like a Western Union where people telephoned each other money, back in the day.  But it was good that today at least, Wal-Mart still found a way to help me out and make a minimal surcharge for their efforts.  I know we have an app that we could activate on our phones for this, but I am not sure how it works.  This should prompt me to at least look into our banks app.

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