Saturday, April 15, 2017

4/16/17 Happy Easter?

    Easter is a weird holiday to celebrate.  First of all, the real celebration is supposed to be the resurrection of Christ, but come on, we are really just celebrating chocolate and brightly colored eggs.  The funniest line so far has been Chubs wanting to get on the phone to talk to the Easter Bunny.  He wanted to see if his basket could be packed with a Nintendo Switch, which is the newest gaming system out.  I wouldn't bother entertaining the idea but it does piss me off when Boy buys something like that but won't let little brother play with it.
    This is mainly why both have their own TVs, X-Boxes and assorted other games, because Boy sucks at sharing.  I also realize that Chubs thinking he can argue with the Bunny means we need to have that talk.  It doesn't help that various in-laws have made it possible for Santa and assorted elves to call him during the Christmas season to check on whether he has been bad or good, for goodness sake.
    Usually, we plan on being with my folks in Crystal City and we would have found a way, but being I just had my little surgery, my doctor told me to stay home and take it easy.  The more I force the walking around, the greater the likelihood of having my skin graft come off and fail.  That would suck because I would have to start over and would mean more days home burning up my vacation days.
    I do love having my woman here at home for more than a weekend, she is busily making some cakes for tomorrow which is just perfect.  Along with that, she is making some stir fry for Saturday night dinner.  I am a little tired of all the take out, so this seems like a good idea.  Just for a little while, this feels normal.  Wife was applying for multiple jobs here in town recommended by somebody in power to hire her, so I hope it is a good sign and that she might come back, especially because they want to play around over there that they don't have money in the budget to give her a raise, yet the Superintendent just got a three year extension and they hired a new Athletic Director, which there was somehow money for that.
    In years past, the Easter Bunny has competed with Santa, the boys get a basket, and there have been Nintendo DSs and Lego boxes, when those were cooler.  Then there was a gift for Wife in that same value territory of $200-$300.  This year, things just didn't line up and I can't go walking so Wife will be short a purse, or something of that nature.  I'll just blame it on the leg.
    I am writing this at 7:45pm and the house is especially quiet.  Girlie is out with her friends, probably for the night, Boy's friend just came through and told us he was headed out for the evening, probably more dancing later tonight.  It is just us four, but Boy hardly comes out of his room, and Chubs floats around but barely makes any noise.  All I can hear is the sizzling of the chicken for the stir fry and just now Wife turned on the dryer.
    As y'all know, I am not a religious person, but I do hope everyone gets to spend some time with our loved ones.  To me, that is the most important thing.  We are on this little blue ball for a few decades and we should make the most of it  We were already talking about summer plans on the coast.  My folks are taking their RV down and were wondering what we were going to do, adding we could just stay with them.  I most certainly enjoy visiting with my folks and being with them, but I really need a place of my own at night to unwind, so I think if we can't take our RV down, we'll stay in a hotel nearby.  At least the conversation is veering towards getting back to the water, and that is where I love to be.

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