Wednesday, April 12, 2017

4/13/17 Anesthesia?

    I was under the thought that I would just get a couple shots and my skin would be grafted, no big deal.  It turns out, the doctor prefers to put me under as he said it, it would take too many local injections to keep me numb where he is going to be working.  If he puts me under, he says it is much more efficient and easy on both the doctor and patient.
    I have to admit, I find the idea of getting put under "anesthesia" something I kind of find fascinating.  I have been put under for two procedures.  The first one was for removal of my gallbladder and the second one I had a problem in my butt.  It is quite amazing when they tell you to countdown and then all of a sudden you're trying to get your bearings and figure out where you are.  I was discussing it with a couple of coworkers and both had positive things to say about being put under anesthesia.  I remember feeling like I was a little drunk when I woke up, trying to swing my hand to grab whatever nurse passed by to grope her.  I vaguely remember Wife talking to me trying to get me to come back to normal and I am cracking jokes or probably think I'm being funny.  As I coughed now, I just remembered they do put that giant tube down your throat, that isn't fun, it leaves the whole throat area feeling raw for a couple days.
    I can understand why Michael Jackson died the way he did.  Sometimes I don't feel I am getting enough sleep, these medicines they use for anesthesia just take the worry away and put your brain in a comatose state.  There is no thinking or dreaming while you are under.  I am not sure I would want to fight the medicine either.  We've all seen those nightmare scenarios where you kind of wake up mid-operation and see and feel what is happening but are incapacitated to move or tell somebody something.  This is part of the reason I chose to work the night before.  I am going to the hospital tired, when they put me out, I will be tired, sleepy and drugged.  They can wake me up later, but hopefully, all the bad stuff will be done and over.
    This one shouldn't even be that bad, they are scraping off about two inches of skin and relocating it down lower to my lower leg from my thigh.  I am still nervous, but I need this leg gash injury to end.  I have had to go see a doctor every week since Wife started her job down three hours away.  The school year is almost over and I am still doing this ridiculous dance.  Hopefully, I heal and can call it done in another 2-3 weeks.  We shall see.

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