Thursday, April 6, 2017

4/6/17 Saga Of My Leg Gash Continues?

    I have not mentioned it in a couple weeks, but my leg still has the gash I described back in September of last year.  I have been going to the Wound Care Clinic religiously every week, but at a certain point even I could tell something wasn't happening anymore.  The wound went from being deep and scary looking to just looking like a scrape where the top skin comes off.  There is no depth anymore, if the edges would just come in, but they don't seem to want to.
    The doctor treating me, Dr. Mailman, suggested I see a plastic surgeon so I could get a skin graft and be done with it.  He compliments me every week on how clean and healthy the gash looks, but then he says because I am so heavy, I carry a lot of water which makes the leg closing by itself a tough order.  He has tried all sorts of different collagens, but every week, we take a look at the cut, and there it is, looking the same as the week before.
    So I call the clinic that sent me to the wound care clinic, as that is what the doctor told me to do.  Nothing happened the first week, they apologized the second week, and gave me a doctor, but it was a vascular doctor, not a plastic surgeon.  I then wasted another week trying to explain to them what I needed.  They got back to me with a number for a plastic surgeon, or rather, his fax machine's number.  I called again and finally got it right.  It took another two weeks for the secretary at the plastic surgeons to contact me, but this week, they finally put all their ducks in a row.  Of course, the worst day for me to plan anything is on Wednesday, but that is the day they see new patients.
    I went out there today and I took Boy as a back-up, in case I got extremely sleepy, but I managed to stay okay.  It took almost an hour to find the right place to be.  We got there in about 45 minutes, quickly asked for the Drs. office.  A volunteer walked us all the way over to the office, only to be told we were supposed to be in the wound care facility on the first floor.  Of course, there were plenty of patients waiting, but nobody manning the desk.  Eventually they called me in, it might have helped that I called back to the office and told them they had sent me down here but nobody seems to be in charge.  It was weird meeting the doctor, he was a bit standoffish, but had a whole crew with him.  I felt like a race car in Nascar.  One of the technicians stripped my leg while he asked questions on how it happened, another physician assistant was taking my history, whether I smoked, and another lady, maybe his wife, was checking that I had insurance and she seemed to be the lead in charge, saying she would call me tomorrow.  My leg was wrapped as quickly as it was unwrapped, but nowhere near the quality or effort they do at the Wound Care Clinic.
    As it stands, I have my surgical appointment next week on Thursday.  The crazy part is I am not supposed to work for two weeks which seems so out of sorts.  He said I risk the skin graft falling off if I try too hard too fast, then I am back to square one.

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