Saturday, April 1, 2017

4/2/17 It Always Sucked?

    I have been training in a new department at work, and as part of that, I have had to modulate my shift over and work Friday nights on my long week.  Because I am a lucky fool, it has only been a couple times when I have actually worked a full Friday night.  Last night I worked a twelve hour shift, and I am still feeling it today, Saturday afternoon.  Normally, during the week, I sleep until 3:30pm, then wake up to pick up Chubs, then shower and repeat.  On the weekend, with Wife here, I tend to stay up in the morning, do the husband thing, after those two-three blissful minutes, we talk and plan what we'll do during the day.  I may sleep until two or three, but it never feels the same
    Wife woke me today at 1:30pm with tacos smelling up the house.  There was breakfast sausage, potatoes, and eggs, all mixed together with salsa and cheese.  All that was missing was a cup of coffee which I took care of easy enough with my Kierig. 
    I probably worked the weekend shift which was every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and every other Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for twelve to fourteen years before finally ending up with my current schedule of Mon, Tues, Wed and Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thursday, which is about perfect for me.  I am still on nights, and I prefer it that way, there just seem to be too many bodies around during the day.
    Thinking about working the weekends reminded me of the good old days when I had a real "old school" boss like you see in the movies.  This guy would rally the technicians and myself about once a month and we would go have a steak dinner and if it was really slow at work, we would head to an occasional strip club.  Damn, those were good times.  I felt like one of the guys, once I was accepted by them.  The shenanigans made the job better, coming home on a Sunday morning always sucked because Wife was off during the weekend, and my main days off were Monday, and Tuesday.
    This week, my trainer said I could get back to working Monday nights, I have picked up enough good habits and techniques that I can get by on Monday nights by myself.  She feels bad for me, because on Fridays, she is trying to get done with everything and leave early, and I come in at 6:00pm and am committed to staying until 6:30am.
    Wife may have gotten me up at 1:30pm, and I ate good, but then I went to shower, came out, and laid down while she brushed her teeth.  Next thing I know, it is 4:30pm and Wife has been slaving away the day on the laptop, doing Boy's tax return, and then continuing on his financial aid for the coming year.  I finally got her to stop working by suggesting a Sonic Drive-in drink followed by a stop at Bath and Bodyworks.  We finished the night by eating at Luby's.  Girlie suggested it, saying she loves the fish there.  Dinner was very good, and since she had her little brother, she paid for them, and Chubs ate the kids plate which is free, so dinner was cheaper than it normally is, for us.  As soon as I got home, I laid down, thinking Wife was following me upstairs and I fell asleep again.  It is now 11:30pm, and I feel a little better now.

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