Wednesday, March 8, 2017

3/8/17 Punks In Hoodies?

    First of all, I hate the teenage boy, the Mr. Know-It-All Jackass, aged between 15-20.  I've mentioned the run-in I had with the one group a while back with the Idiot Boy who flipped me off with a tiny plastic penis, kind of funny, but it could have turned ugly for the boy and he would have had it coming.  Anyways, my complaint today is the moron who has to walk into an establishment and leave his hoodie on.  What the fuck?  It isn't raining, I am in shorts, it's not freezing, act like a man and present your face.  I always kind of worry of a hold-up and Tuesday was a little too uncomfortable for me.  Chubs and I just randomly chose Wendy's and while Chubs grabbed our normal spot, I grabbed the ketchup and napkins and my soda.  About the time I was walking towards the table a future convict walked in, I think he was black, but that doesn't matter, he walked straight to the bathroom which made me think "fuck, this is where he pulls a gun on us."  I guess he was harmless, but I noticed even Chubs staring at him while we ate.  That is what these dumbfucks don't get.  They don't want to be the center of attention, but they do stuff that makes them suspicious.  If I covered my face and walked into a store, I realize I would look like trouble, even if I was just wearing a SpongeBob Mask.
    He ate angry it seemed, sitting but on his heels, like he was ready to run out any second.  As soon as he finished and left, Chubs asked me why he was wearing the hoodie in the store, I just told him "because he is a stupid child and no one told him any better."  Coincidentally, I was skimming through Pinterest there in Wendy's and noticed a series of events after Trump has taken office.  Many of the stories were of Muslim women feeling threatened to the point of they were voluntarily taking off the hijab to blend in with us westerners.  Sorry, but when in Rome, do as the Romans do.  Any type of unnecessary covering is suspicious as I just explained the hoodie and considering the thought of the regular "Merican linking muslims and suicide bombers, just get rid of the extra clothing.  We don't see Indians running around half naked on horses, or pilgrim descendants dressed like nuns.  We dress accordingly to match the surrounding modern environment.
    You came to America for a better life and I welcome anyone, but put on some jeans and Nikes, put on about 40 pounds, buy a big SUV, drink expensive bad coffee, get into a little credit debt, come on, be a freaking American, it's what you dreamed of.  It's easy, read tabloid trash instead of literature, swear your kid is a special snowflake who is really allergic to peanuts and or gluten...

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