Monday, March 20, 2017

3/20/17 Texas Attorney General: Christianity Or Nah?

    If not for hypocrisy, it looks like Texas AG, Ken Paxton, has painted himself into a corner.  We tell these giant and powerful men to keep religion and prayer out of school, but they know better than us small people.  Seems like this master of the universe thought it would be a good idea a couple years ago to fight in court over a poster mentioning a Bible quote on a nurse's door in the Killeen ISD.  Even though the Principal, Superintendent, and all but one of the school board members were in agreement, the case went to court and AG Ken argued in a statement: "Religious discrimination has become a holiday tradition of sorts among certain groups.  I am glad the court broke through the left's rhetorical fog and recognized a commitment to diversity means protecting everyone's individual religious expression."
    I do not agree with this at all, but ok, your words, you're the man in charge, or so they say.  Now comes out of the woodworks an interesting story.  It seems that Frisco ISD has had a prayer room, which the principal admits was more of a mixed use room where all groups can pray equally and has been in use for more than seven years.  The AG heard about it only recently because the jack-ass running the school paper (my opinion) put a spotlight on it and wrote a story in the local paper, otherwise Mr. AG never even hears about it.
    My personal opinion is that none of these shenanigans should be taking place.  The dim witted nurse's aid should not have been allowed to put up that poster, and the picture does not do it justice.  It is a shitty brown piece of paper, and the quote is handwritten.  Charlie Brown barely looks like himself, only the tree looks as shitty as the one in the cartoon.  If the AG was of sound mind and went with the other leaders in agreement, sure, his word is one to listen to.  His defense was a mess, but nonetheless, it is not surprising when old white guy wins over common sense.  The same with these kids praying in school, I believe they should be doing this waste of time at home.  But, if we are going to say one religion has rights, then buck up and allow other religions to do something, specially if it doesn't hurt anyone.  They make us bow our heads at the start of football games, I don't like this practice, when a football player gets hurt, is it because Jesus ran to the fridge to get a soda?  Kids get hurt randomly in the course of a game.  All the prayer isn't going to change the game, it is one of violent collisions, why do we include our personal god into it?
    Now, of course, ole Kenny P isn't so sure he likes what he hears from Frisco ISD.  The office only released a statement that says "We sent the letter to clarify unresolved questions in the interest of protecting religious liberty in public schools across Texas (the same interest we sought to protect in the Charlie Brown matter)."  I am sure the Christian majority running things will make it so that these students are not allowed to do what they have been doing in a short while.  But if they could acknowledge that Jesus is their Lord and Savior as that poster said, that would be honky-dory.  Bunch of fucking hypocrites.  Either allow all

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