Friday, March 3, 2017

3/3/17 Thoughts On The Whole Illegal Alien Issue?

    I don't have a stance one way or the other in regards to the illegal alien problem, as long as they are here to work and probably at the shittiest jobs the market has to offer.  If they were trafficking drugs, then yeah, they should be imprisoned and punished or whatever else you do to people that deliver products that get consumed somehow by a population that never has enough.
    My problem with the issue is that the companies never get so much as a warning to cut the shit out.  We all know that new houses are built 80% by illegals.  Americans just aren't that small on average, anytime we drive through a community to look at new houses, even my younger boy can point out the Mexicans.  How come Lennar Homes doesn't get fined?  You can drive through there any time and there will be a few crews, I assume of illegals, if they are doing the jobs that Johnny can't or won't.  If my son can figure them out, why can't immigration do the same?  If this was done and then followed by a stiff fine, would Lennar or whoever be as tempted to do it again?  I am not saying the Mexicans are roaches, but if there is food left out, your house will eventually have roaches.  If you are clean and don't leave anything out for them to scavenge, the roach moves on. 
    Somehow, it always turns to hate on the lowest part of that chain, why?  Because people like to bitch about "they're taking our jobs, but damn that house is now affordable."  Put your money where your mouth is, don't eat where they hire a bunch of illegals (every restaurant it seems), don't buy houses where you see the 4 foot workers, don't eat any fruits or vegetables, unless machines are harvesting them, or shut the fuck up and let them do their shitty jobs.  Grapes are expensive enough, if Billy and Sally are plucking them from trees, grapes will be as expensive as cherries, $10 a pound.
    Trump keeps saying about keeping out bad "hombres", does that mean because they are brown or because they bring drugs?  The drugs are here too.  Meth is made on both sides of the border, most of us saw Breaking Bad, it looks fairly easy, specially if there is crazy money to be made.  It is getting harder and harder to identify Marijuana as a bad drug, if it has medicinal value.  If it is the magical elixir to cure all that ails you, we have to get over it and let it be available more openly.
    We, the US, already have the highest percentage of our citizens arrested because of drugs, can we say that punishment is not getting it done?  I know the prison system is a big money thing, so it isn't likely to change, and I do like the violent and sex offenders kept locked up, but surely not everyone in there is a drug mule carrying 200 pounds of drugs when they got caught.  Some of these "bad hombres" might have been better off with some counseling and other options, if they are US peeps.  To be funny, we should dump some of those illegal aliens from Mexico over in Europe, see how they get back or how they assimilate into other lands.

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