Sunday, March 12, 2017

3/12/17 Catholic Church Caught In Its Own Trap?

    The new pope, Pope Francis, is the 266th pope chosen to lead the Catholic Church and the first Pope chosen from the Americas.  I find that a little weird, that it has taken this long for the church to reach out this far to find a new leader.  Already, this new leader is making groundbreaking changes.  He actually sounds like someone fitting for the role. 
    The last pope had ties to the Nazi Party, as he was forced to become a Hitler Youth at 14, in preparation to serve in the Army for the Third Reich.  Pope Benedict was the oldest person chosen to be the Pontiff, and served from April 19, 2005 to February 28, 2013.  He just has a look of evil or something, in his eyes, to me.  Ties to the Nazi Party are never going to help.
    Pope Francis has been the Pontiff since 2013 when Pope Benedict stepped down.  He is originally from Argentina, and was promoted to cardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.  Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope.  He insists on living in the Vatican Guest House instead of the Papal House because he can receive visitors and hold meetings.  This newest Pontiff seems genuinely down to earth and willing to make groundbreaking changes.
    One of his most extreme ideas is to allow married older men to serve as clergy to combat the shortness of Catholic Priests.  This sounds extreme to me because each priest is supposed to be a conduit to a higher power.  This is what I was told growing up and attending communion and confirmation classes.  We needed our priests to be pure and not sullied by sex, even with a loving partner.  I am now reading online that this is not the case.  Celibacy is a newer thing and some Popes back in the day were married.  If this is so, why make things harder on yourself?  Open it up to more "normal" men.  It is not totally believable that these men are celibate anyway.  We would always hear word from some of the small town priests that the nuns would take care of the priest, if you know what I mean.  Anyway, this is something Pope Francis could do to bring Catholicism to the new age.
    I like that there is a shortage and even if women can refrain from sex easier than men, there is absolutely no mention of women as priests.  Catholicism is so sexist, I don't think it is even capable of realizing it.  Why not give the role to women?  In any household, who drags the kids to Church?  The woman, few men give two farts about going weekly to the house of god.  If a family regularly attends mass, it is because the woman of the house is making it happen.  It seems like a natural fit for me to have women running the show.
    This is yet another reason I have a problem with organized religion.  In nature, women have the responsibility in most animals of creating life.  Women are the ones that push for family unity, for a place to live together, for all the things that the church wants us to do and be.  But ultimately, women can't sit at the front and tell us how to live collectively.  Leave that to a man who has lived alone all his life, he is somehow an expert.

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