Tuesday, March 7, 2017

3/7/17 Can Trump Get Past The Latest Scandal?

    I have been surprised by the boldness of our latest president.  He just makes me say wow one week after another.  His supporters keep going farther and farther off the deep end.  If he is right, how did I and the people who think like me feel like we are so wrong?  The latest chapter of adventure has Trump accusing Obama of using the FBI and or NSA to wiretap his Trump towers where he lived prior to the elections in November.  This is seen as a wild accusation, which the head of the FBI came out instantly and denied and explained that if this were to happen, he would know.  The other head of the NSA also came out and denied the same thing later in the day.
    What happens next when the President, like a woman accusing an attacker of rape, provides no evidence other than her word.  This seems like par for the course for this new president.  All day Sunday we heard on TV that there is no evidence that any of this happened.  He heard it like my brother hearing stuff on one of those conspiracy theory shows and now he is running around pretty much trying to use this to ruin Obama's presidential run.  This seems like a huge story, and to me, it seems like a huge distraction to move the attention away from the Russian interference of the elections which make Trump almost look treasonous.
    Now, less than twenty four hours later, the Republicans and Trump are pushing the new Obamacare repeal and replace plan, so again it seems like the president likes flooding us with news as now the biggest conversation will turn to the medical care.  If that is not enough from the white house, he is also pushing the travel ban 2.0 which he tried a couple weeks ago but was blocked by the courts.  I personally don't care if he wants to block the world from coming into the United States, but pinpointing some random countries that happen to be in the middle east to protect us from attack is crap when again 15 of the 19 9/11 bombers were from Saudi Arabia, yet that country is not on the list.  Hell, none of the countries where the bombers came from is on the list.  The countries: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.  Sure these countries seem shifty and don't bring us much in the big picture, but blocking them on a hunch won't do anything to protect us, I don't think.
    "Mr. I am here to save you money" has cost the US taxpayer in one month what Obama and his family cost in security costs a whole year.  Protecting the President and his random family members flying around doing business for the Trump business is costing a lot compared to Obama, who Trump called out for spending too much time on vacation.  Trump has now spent about half his weekends as president on "vacation" in his Mar-A-Lago resort, or the White House of the south as it is being called, comedically.
    This is not since the start of his presidency, this is just the BS Trump has stirred this weekend.  For a seventy year old fart, he sure is keeping everyone on their toes.  He has only been president less than two months and yet he seems to have been in charge for a long long time.  I don't think he can continue this crazy pace for a full four year term, but I guess we will just wait and see.

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