Saturday, March 4, 2017

3/4/17 The Lego Batman Movie (Movie)

    We just saw the Batman movie and it was mostly good, but honestly, I fell asleep as I figured out the set-up for the movie.  It started out loud and annoying enough.  The Joker, played by Zach Galifinakis brings mayhem to the city and as usual is escaping capture but he is taunting Batman, played by Will Arnett, in a weird way, bringing up that he is Batman's arch enemy.  Batman is in a mode of not wanting to accept anyone as being in a relationship with him, since the loss of his parents, he has turned into a recluse, only the honorable Alfred by his side.  Before the Joker flees, Batman leaves him crying, proclaiming he is fighting a couple of different bad guys, he is not serious with only one, and never will be.  Joker is hurt because he wants to be the bad guy in Batman's life.
    The next day, Superman is on TV, talking about fighting his own bad guy General Zod and placing him in the phantom zone.  You can see the Joker's face as he just got the idea to go get these guys from the phantom zone to help him.  Meanwhile, in Gotham City, Batman has just been phased out by a new commissioner, played by Rosario Dawson, although the cartoon was red headed and lighter skinned, I was thinking it was Scarlett Johanssen because of the hair.  She has evidence that although Batman encounters the bad guys, he never really catches them, they always escape and of course the simpletons in the city turn on Batman as they are supposed to.
    While I slept, the Joker gained force and had Batman at the brink of defeat.  He now has a young Robin by his side, as he adopted him accidentally while he was all lost staring at the hot new commissioner.  Batman needs to learn to be a team member, to trust his partners and to be vulnerable and human again.  He has been a tortured lone man for way too long, and only by accepting this will the guards in the phantom zone willing to let him go to save his friends.
    Going to the Alamo Drafthouse is still cool.  We are now sharing a pizza between Wife and I to cut down on the price.  We share a big popcorn, soda and pizza, Chubs orders his wings and fries and the bill is now closer to $40.  Much better than $70-80 when we were all ordering pretzels and cookies and milkshakes.  They did bring back Coca-Cola products, which helps, those natural sugar sodas tasted cheap and quite shitty.
    In the end, Batman and company win by playing together.  Separately, they cannot defeat the forces of the Joker and his huge army, but the good guys round up their own army and then they go at each other.  I liked how they mention some of the other movies in a tongue in cheek kind of way.  Batman tells the Joker he is fighting Superman, the Joker says "that is not your enemy" in an exasperated voice.  Then when the commissioner comes to ask him for help, some of the bad guys offer to help, and there is another reference, such as that idea cannot work.:

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