Tuesday, March 28, 2017

3/29/17 Care For A Little Carbon With Your Oxygen?

    Another wonderful benefit of having Trump as President is that he is going to make our air dirtier, effective yesterday.  It had been a few years that we hadn't heard of smog being too thick in big cities, or the air is too dirty to let the kids play outside, well, those days will be back.  King Genius thinks it will help to let the coal companies produce energy like it's 1917.
    What the fuck?  We have been making great strides in alternative and even clean and renewable energy sources and this old timer is spouting the benefits of coal, like he just discovered that train thing running on rails.  A few mistakes with some nuclear reactors, which they have figured out what went wrong in all cases, and nobody wants to touch them?  We have about ten aircraft carriers that are Nimitz class, meaning they run on nuclear power, and they don't burn any fuel for 20-25 years.  Each aircraft carrier has 3000-5000 personnel, a small city, if you will.  How come we trust to put those brave sailors and marines on a ship with a nuclear reactor and send it into hostile territories, but we can't set up a safe reactor to run the power to a small city inland? 
    Wife and I are in the process of installing solar panels on top of our house, we will supposedly cover 85% of our energy needs with this system, and it isn't going to be that much more expensive, why not more efforts from state or federal government to push people in this direction?  I am sure we could even look to installing a wind turbine or two, hell farmers had them on their properties back in the black and white days of movies, why not improve those systems?
    I wouldn't care that the president has chosen to get behind coal, but you see those men coming out of those tunnels and they are all blackened, and they get coal miner's lung and emphysema, it just seems like a hostile work environment.  This has to be weighed with the risks of a nuclear reactor malfunction.  Chernobyl was indeed horrible, but with time and improvements, I am sure reactors could work well and cleaner than coal.
    It is an absolute joke to watch Bill Nye, the Science Guy be put up against these tools that do not believe in climate change.  If Bill Nye is wrong, well at least we have cleaner air and maybe the polar ice caps stabilize.  If whatever Idiot non-believer is wrong, we are just hurting ourselves for what?  So the coal companies can experience a couple more years of profits?  What does Joe Six Pack who supports not believing in global climate change get out of siding with the non-believers?  Dirtier air for your kids?  If you have stock in those companies, I understand, otherwise, you are in fact, an idiot.  Trump may not understand, but if he helps solar and wind companies, those are growth industries, more people could be hired in those sectors as easily as in the coal mines.  Unless he owns said coal mines, then I'm sorry, get Thyself richer.

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