Sunday, December 4, 2016

12/5/16 Cold Is Here, Seems Early?

    This week is looking to be a cold wet mess.  This weekend started that way, and I am looking at the rest of the week and I saw some 20's for lows later in the week.  I feel we usually have more warning than this.  If the cold is here and real, I need to go unplug the water hoses and put those weird Styrofoam bowls to prevent them from freezing.  I need to make sure the pool and hot tub pumps are safe from a freeze.  One year I was lazy and ignored the pumps and it cost me a new heater to the tune of $1100.
    I will have to be tougher this year, I love the cold, and coming home after a night of work and just a quick hot shower and hiding under my blankets.  Nowadays, I have to come home from work and take Chubs to school, so I will have to go back in the cold after I have showered, that will not be fun.  I know that is we have a sprinkling of moisture and freezing temps, we will probably get an in-service day for the kids, so there is that to look forward to.  Last year, we had a couple days like that.  Hopefully, it works out that Wife gets stuck up here and has to stay an extra day or two versus her getting stuck down there and then we don't see her for a weekend.  Being the worrywart she is, she is already contemplating scenarios where we don't see each other.  I like to stay positive and although I know stuff can get dicey, there is always a way, if you really want it.  For example, if we know it is supposed to freeze Friday afternoon, take a half day and drive up at noon.  With the daytime traffic, roads usually stay drivable until it gets dark.
    I was scanning info on my phone and caught the Green Bay game being played in snow and ice, just miserable, but then again, they are men and getting paid millions.  How about the poor boys still playing high school football trying to get to state?  Sure, some will get glory and a state title, the rest will have to remember coming up short.  Meanwhile all the college games are mostly done, save for the bowl games and those four teams in the "college playoffs."  I still think they need to expand the playoffs into maybe the top ten or twenty teams, make it really interesting.  I know it won't because the bowl games cough up too much cash, and half the teams end up thinking they won something worthwhile.
    I am hoping this weather holds up through the Christmas break, too often we are up on Christmas Eve and the day was 85 degrees.  It just doesn't feel holly jolly when we have to turn on the air conditioner, but I guess it is safer for those traveling. 
    This week will be interesting in that Wife has a conference here in town, so she will be back Tuesday and stay the rest of the week, hopefully, in time for Chub's music recital.  My Mom also said she was coming, so we should see her and my dad in the middle of the week, which rarely happens.  I am planning on taking a couple hours off to attend and then to go eat dinner with the family.  Should be fun.

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