Sunday, December 18, 2016

12/18/16 If Darth Vader Seems To Be Right, You Might Need To Rethink Your Way Of Being?

    I have been fumbling around with this idea in my head for a couple weeks.  My brother was here with my folks a couple weeks ago and while we were driving around came up with the theory that as he has gotten older and less sympathetic to the liberal agenda, he can't help but think the rebels were the troublemakers.  I know he was being cheeky, as I was taking cheap shots at the similarity with Trump and Senator Palpatine in the Star Wars saga.
    I then went in and was reading online information and I don't know whether I am surprised anymore or not.  There is plenty of evidence that in reality we are cheering for the terrorists to win, as Luke and the gang go and destroy property that is not theirs in the Death Star and Darth Vader and the gang weren't really doing anything bad other than collecting taxes and controlling how to do business between thousands of different planets.  The reason we find ourselves rooting for the rebels is that they are such a small group, so maybe in our heads we form a battle of David versus Goliath and the smaller force has to overcome.
    One could then bring up, well the imperial forces used the Death Star on peaceful Alderaan to goad Princess Leia to divulge where the information they had stolen was.  That weapon was not fooling around, it exploded the planet out of existence almost like it was a piñata with some firecrackers inside (since it was done in 1977, probably how they did it too).  She cried when it happened that Alderaan was a peaceful loving planet, so we believe that, but I am now reading that the planet was where the rebels first gained strength and the planet was where the alliance were getting their munitions.  Leia Organa was also carrying out rebel missions using her diplomatic immunity as princess of Alderaan.  It stands to reason that with a weapon of that magnitude, it should be tested to show any resistance what their capability was.  Alderaan was a logical choice if you wanted to get certain people's attention.
    So does using such a devastating weapon make you a bad guy?  It was not that long ago we used some bombs that obliterated cities in Japan and we are the ultimate good guys.  Too bad first the robot armies and then the clone army reminds us so much of fascism and Nazi Germany.
    In the end, Princess Leia bartered her planet for the abilities of a magical wizard, a Jedi who managed to get his hands on a much younger and gifted future Jedi who would learn everything from another magical creature who had already lived a long and blessed life as a Master Jedi.
    It would be from a strange position to cheer for the Imperial forces, but I guess people do like to cheer for a winner.  Do we hate paying for taxes and order that much that we automatically cheer for the rebels without knowing what they do?  Upon destruction of the Empire and its higher elites, who takes over as supreme Chancellor or whatever title, does Princess Leia Organa have a chance, maybe that was her interest in helping the resistance.  Poor Darth Vader, went through most of his adult life not even knowing he had fathered two children with his one love Padme Amidala.  In the end, he sacrificed his life and all his power to save his child and destroy a sith Lord, so Darth Vader is the real hero of this franchise.

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