Sunday, December 4, 2016

12/4/16 How Far In Debt Should Santa Go?

    We have been working on a plan to get us out of debt all year.  We're not using our credit cards like we used to, only a few for emergencies.  Everything has been in a fine balance, but now Christmas must be thrown in digested and passed out.  Do we throw caution to the wind, go crazy to enjoy that spender's high and see our kids and loved ones happy for a second?  Or do we cheap out, get everybody the lump of coal they probably deserve and walk past the holiday unscathed?
    Wife always starts sometime around the end of August "we are not going to get into debt buying gifts for everybody..."  All I can manage is a "yeah", what else can you say when it is 105 degrees and she wants to discuss Christmas gifts?  As it stands right now, we got a new Target card with no debt, we headed there to buy Chubs some video games for his birthday the week before Thanksgiving.  While we were there and figuring we were gonna lose that card's virginity, we might as well hit it hard.  We bought pajamas for all her nephews, sounds lame, but that is what the parents have suggested we buy them.  Since we were on a role and we never see my nephews playing with toys other than IPADS and phones, we figured why waste good money on toys?  All the kiddos got pajamas on my side of the family as well.  I thought of adding a toy, but why? 
    Along with this, we went to Dillard's last week and took care of pretty much everyone else that we were planning on buying gifts for.  I have kind of stepped back.  I told Wife you are in charge, if you want to be frugal, fine, we were about done with everybody.
    Last night we went to Toys R Us, Chubs has pretty much given up playing with toys, but all of a sudden, he needs to go scouting for Santa.  Since he still had about $150 he got from his birthday gifts, he also bought himself some things.  Wife and I were both like "really?"  He got a couple of figures you put together like Legos, but not Legos.  He has bins in his old room that I don't know what to do with full of Legos and toys that you put together.  I figured as long as it wasn't my money, I wouldn't stop him.  He also threw in some Pokémon cards and then he was home putting them into his own photo book, maybe in an attempt to relate to his old friend from the blog yesterday.  I found out since yesterday that the kid doesn't have a cell phone and that is almost a necessary tool as I notice Chubs does group texting with his gang, so that is a connection tool that keeps the boys talking to each other.  Chubs has always been a loving, caring boy, I think he'll try to be friendly, but the other little boy needs to step up too, it can't just be my son doing all the work.
    Anyways, Wife was kind of trying to engage me about buying toys for the nephews and I was not really interested.  She spends months telling me we need to do this because our money this and that, so ok.  But then it is getting closer to Santa time and she wants to give flashy gifts, I'm like, nah, stick to the cheap shit, we'll be out of debt for this in 2-3 months instead of 6-7 months.

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