Thursday, December 22, 2016

12/22/16 Morons Still Do High Speed Chases?

    Someone on our Facebook feed showed a high speed chase in Kansas yesterday afternoon.  These things always piss me off, first because it shows the shitty side of humanity when way too many people find this entertaining and/or actually support the a-hole committing the crime like he is doing something wonderful for mankind in the comments section.  Second, we know how these things end, half the time the a-hole crashes into some innocent family or some unsuspecting older person.  No value of life is given to all the victim's involved since we "keep a distance" so as not to aggravate the criminal.
    The one in the story shown was driving around in a Nissan Truck, then actually because cops weren't close to him, he managed to pull up to another vehicle, rob the owner and continue his cruise of the neighborhood in a different truck.  He kept getting on and off the highway/freeway in the opposite direction.  At this point, someone in the helicopter should have fired shots at him.  Big Fucking deal if you hit him accidentally, he is a criminal who sideswiped a police officer, means he was trying to or wouldn't have minded killing a cop.  This is the worst of criminals, those who target people.  Instead of the lame attempts to blow his tires out, have someone go for the tires and someone go for the windows with a gun.  Maybe you get his attention, maybe you hit him and he is the only victim in a senseless act of stupidity.
    Most of the time there are cars damaged all along the path.  We pay for cop cars via our taxes, throw one in front of the speeder, give him something solid to crash into if that is his game.  Why should the cops hang back and let the crash with some old lady be how this one ends?  These high speed chases give the troublemaker camera time, sometimes they act the fool, like it's a game, I've seen where they are high fiving people as they drive around the same neighborhoods over and over again.  I say it is risky for an officer to shoot his weapon, but I say it is riskier for the son of a bitch to keep driving around until he encounters a driver not paying attention and causing a crash leading to death of innocents.  I think a couple of examples where speed chases end in cops shooting you, and maybe the sane drivers will rethink their stupidity.  If someone wants to commit suicide this way, same thing.  Why do we treat every life like it is precious, some people are empty vessels who just take and never give back anything?  Then things don't go their way and they cause all this death and destruction, take them out, like the trash they are.

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