Thursday, December 15, 2016

12/15/16 Girlie Has Quietly Become A New Roommate?

    Girlie has finally taken the plunge and moved in with us.  We have been offering her a room since she was in high school and has stayed with us from time to time for a weekend here or a month there.  This decision was only after she looked around, deciding she didn't want to share a room with one of her siblings anymore, which she had been.  By the way, Girlie is not a random girl we just met, she has been in our lives since she was about three or four, she is a cousin of our old neighbors and has always been comfortable and close with us.  She is the seventh or eighth person to stay with us for an extended period of time.  It was easy for us to offer a room, considering we have a five bedroom house with two empty rooms, and with Wife gone, it feels especially empty, both our Boys stick to their computers when they are awake.
    She was going to stay with a friend of hers, but the cheapest place they could find was like $1200 in the rougher east side and that did not include any of the utilities, or nice things we have like a washer and dryer and free internet and cable plus a kitchen that always has some food in it.  We offered the room at $500 with some conditions and she agreed, so far so good.  The biggest condition being that during the week, we keep a quiet house, no guy guests and be in before midnight.  When I leave back to work after midnight, any visitors have to leave.  Our chief concern is the boys focused on school and resting at night.  If you want to be out past midnight, make plans to stay with a friend or whatever.  It is a bit of a double standard, but when Boy's friend was staying with us, I knew him since he was in junior high, I wasn't worried he was going to steal something or try and get too comfortable in my house. 
    She started in the downstairs room but the closet is probably 3ft by 3ft.  She wanted a big closet, so she has taken over the empty room upstairs, it has a huge walk-in closet and she has already filled it with all her clothes, and shoes.  You hear jokes about women and their shoes, I never got it because Wife will buy a pair of shoes once in a while.  She must have sixty pairs of shoes in boxes, and probably another 30-40 pair in the hanging shoe thing on the closet door and the shoe rack that holds another four levels of assorted sandals and heels.
    She has visions of a highly decorated room that she says will be her escape, she wants the walls pink/lavender and the blankets white and fluffy.  This is a breath of fresh air, as the boys could hardly give a rat's ass, Boy especially.  Chubs is doing an OK job of keeping his room clean, but you can hardly walk into Boy's room, he is like a hamster, piles of stuff everywhere.  He wanted shelves, which we got him, but I think he will need shelves all the way around before he can put everything away.

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