Thursday, June 9, 2016

6/9/16 I See The Signs?

    Until recently, I ignored the little signs, I told myself nonsense, keep it together.  I can't anymore, I might as well tell you all.  I am discovering I am living in an artificial world.  This thought clicked in my mind after I saw the Truman Show with Jim Carrey, wife said I was being silly, but ever since, I notice small things that shouldn't be there.  My hip, for instance sometimes does a grinding electrical noise when I am alone.  I don't have any electronics in me, that I am aware of, but if I am in a very quiet room, I will hear this whirring sound coming from my left side, near the hip area.
    A couple years ago, we were in Corpus, just on a random weekend vacation in our RV.  I noticed what I would've said was a lightning bug walking on the ground, but it stayed lit green for at least half an hour as I followed its path.  I am assuming it was looking for a place to hide, but it was glowing green the whole time, there was no way it could hide.  Eventually, it made its way into the wood structure we were sitting under.  I don't want to be so bold as to say this was a camera that broke and I happened to see it, but I could believe that easier than a lot of other scenarios.
    Another giant example is that whoever is in charge has swapped out Wife.  Now that I can see the truth, I think I have been given a few robotic wives over the years.  This last one just happens to be way bitchier than the last ones.  This one has a tick, she starts scolding me, I say "OK, you're right", then she has to repeat herself about three more times.  She seems to be doing it with the boys, so it is some sort of tick.  I figure she'll be taken in some night while I am at work and the repeat function will be repaired.  Other than that, Wife 1.0 used to at least appear to be heating up my food when I'd get home for lunch, Wife 2.0 doesn't even get up just says your food is in the fridge.  I guess it goes with the territory.  I used to work a bunch of OT, not so much now, Wife 2.0 probably sees me as a lazy bag of skin.
    You know, this does make sense, I've always called Boy my robot boy because he lacks empathy, just kind of exists without much in the way of emotions.  The powers that be then overcorrected because Chubs is all emotions, he needs like twenty hugs a day. 
    Best I can figure is I am in the middle of a play, do I keep acting dumb, go about my day, or do I stop going along with everything and demand to see the audience, demand a raise or am I acting for my life?  Hmm, maybe just the fact that I have caught on means they are coming for me.  Ack, I should've saved this for after the Florida trip.  Even if I am going with a bunch of robots, I do like the Disney parks.

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