Tuesday, June 28, 2016

6/28/16 New Chapter, New Start?

    I like to think that after being gone for a week or so, we come back to a new chapter in our life.  Maybe nothing changes, but if life was Legend of Zelda or Mario Bros., this is where we would start every time we were killed, a little further along in life.  Being with family for that long certainly was an opportunity to recharge with some pure Gallegos Family spirit, good or bad.  I have to say good or bad, because some of the crap that my brother and even my sister spout hits my ears like fingernails on a chalkboard.  I won't embarrass anyone, but there is some small town thinking amongst all that brain power.
    In the vein of starting anew, I took everything out of the Excursion and even got up early Monday to go outside and clean it.  I doused the carpet with Febreze, then vacuumed it, Armor All'd the plastic parts, and added leather lotion to the seats.  If anything, it got the smell of funky human out of it.  I was going to follow it up with a wash, but noticed my truck was even dirtier.  My plan was to go eat at Fuddrucker's and get my truck washed in the afternoon, but Wife suggested going to Mod Pizza, and I do like that place.  Chubs still has some money from the trip and asked to stop at Game Stop to buy a new video game, I said fine, but the rest of your money is getting put away.
    It is a slow process to get back to normal, specially when I come right back to work, and Wife had one more summer school activity.  She says she needs to go to work a couple more days to finish stuff, which will prolong the putting away of everything until probably the weekend.  By the time we got back home from lunch, it was time for me to shower and get ready to go to work.
    Work was weird, I had switched to days the week before I left on vacation, then got up early all week while on vacation, now I suddenly have to be flipped over and stay up all night.  I can tell I am getting older because it is not as easy as it used to be.  I'll get there.  This vacation will last me probably until the Christmas break, maybe I'll take a week off, maybe just a couple days.
    We have been talking about the rest of the summer, my in-laws are already on the coast with their RVs, my folks seem ready to go this weekend, and before we had pizza, we stopped at Crestview to find out how much it would be to install a hitch which I already own to my truck.  I need new rails which the parts guy said would be $193.  I also want the electrical connections inside the truck bed, and that is $95.  What made me choke was the install.  The guy said it would take 4 hours to install rails and hitch, then 1 hour for electrical adapter, at a cool $120/hr.  So $600 in service fees and $300 in parts for a hitch I already own.  Fucking awesome!!

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