Wednesday, June 1, 2016

6/2/16 Parents, You Are Sucking At Your Job?

    What the hell is going on with parents today?  Just on the news today, we have that kid that got in the gorilla exhibit in the Cincinnati Zoo.  Word is that Mama had her head up her ass on her phone while boy wonder kept saying he was going to get in and swim with the gorilla.  We have turned into a world of "pussies", sometimes the best thing is a swift whack on the ass and behavior is corrected.  If Chubs started "I'm gonna swim with the gorillas!"  It would be followed by "don't be an Idiot, that thing will eat your face and maybe shit on you when he's done."  Followed by a spank to know that I am not kidding.  Then I would explain that gorillas weigh like 800 pounds, they are all muscle, there is nothing sweet and fun about them and life is not a freaking cartoon.  Keep your hand wringing to yourself, all of the above is better than "Be calm" as the idiot kid sits inches from the gorilla and thus ending the poor innocent gorilla's life.  This freaking kid better grow up and be something more than a meth head, since they had to kill an endangered gorilla for his 10 cent ass.
    Next story in line is one about a kid knocking over a Disney Lego statue worth over $15,000 in a museum.  Make the kid's family pay something.  When we go to a museum or any "fancy" place I give my usual "don't give me a reason to smack you, do we run inside?" Chubs "no".  "Do we act like animals or give people reason to think we don't know how to behave?" Chubs "no"  Alright, then hold my hand and let's see what we can learn here.  There is usually one or two "touch it so I can kick you right square in the ass!"  And no, I am not abusive, but I am also not going to pay thousands of dollars for something my kid broke.
    The third story is a little different.  It involves a 20 year old Muslim convert who is accused of joining the Islamic State in Syria.  "Jihadi Jack", as he is known, is believed to be the first white Briton to join the terrorist group.  The parents are being charged with providing money to fund terrorist activities, fucking awesome.  These parents probably meant well, kid is probably starving over there, but he had no business going over in the first place.  I would hate to let my kid go to even France if he said he was going to study, but a trip to anywhere in the middle east, "what the fuck for, Mijo?"  I will be honest and say some of those middle eastern women are beautiful, maybe he married a fox, but if she is covered up all the time in a burka, who cares, marry an ugly chick.  The hard lesson may be paid by the parents here if they end up facing jail time, but a message needs to be sent out to stop this moronic activity.  These parents should have said no more often, this kid thinks in his head that he is going to change the world, that he matters.  Sorry Dumb Dumb, all you've been doing is starving in a country that doesn't provide the world much, other than headaches and large beards.
    It's not that I believe in abusing your kids, but your kids are what you are giving the world.  If you provide more welfare recipients, you have kind of failed.  If your kids end up in positions to help other people, maybe learn a discipline that helps the less fortunate, you might have made the world a better place.  Self absorbed full sized assholes usually create miniature bite sized douchebags, that is just how the world works.  If I say spank your child, I mean just make sure you are not creating a monster other people will have a hard time dealing with.  Make them accountable for their actions.

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