Friday, June 3, 2016

6/3/16 Tick Tock Says The Clock?

    Time waits for no man.  I dare not say that time is our enemy, considering we just saw Through The Looking Glass and time was discussed from a different perspective.  We are all given the same amount of time on any given day.  We are all humans, so it is understood if some days we just choose to stay in bed all day.  This can be good and even rewarding when done once in a while.
    To really seize the day, to become one of those fellas that get mentioned in books with leather skins though, we must get out of bed and conquer the world.  Twenty four hours will pass for me like any other day, I get up in the afternoon, pick up my son, eat, then go to work.  Tomorrow though, Chubs ends a long six year stretch of time in his first place of formal education outside of his house.  He may never see some of those faces he has been used to seeing and even taken for granted.  Some will continue to the next school and they may form the next layer of friendships which may last a year or a lifetime.  Wife continues as well, maybe she returns to her current place of employment, maybe she finally finds a new place where she is not treated like a brown employee who should be pushing a broom.  She interviewed again last week, and I feel for her, everyone comments on how over the top her abilities are to redefine a job description, her clever ways to make something out of nothing, to provide for the less fortunate, and even make them feel like equals in a world that has already decided they are disposable characters from a story gone bad.  But to what end, she still remains employed in a place she can't find a decent promotion. and still, tick tock...
    Boy continues his march in higher education.  He was challenged more this year than he has been.  I remember those years as being the best when I was in college and I seem to block out the hours spent by myself studying, as I only remember the good times, it is the time spent studying that changes you from a kid to an adult.  It takes much discipline to force yourself to stay locked in when everybody else in the world seems to be having a party.  My mom, jumping into defense mode a couple weeks ago, when I stated an English degree is way easier to get than a chemistry degree seemed to make me sound like a monster.  Her defense was because my sister got an English degree, which I am proud of her as she just used that degree as a stepping stone to end up a principal.  My cousin is also pursuing this degree and I also wish him well, but they did not have to power through four different calculus courses, and a ton of other science courses with labs.  I know Boy is suffering through a similar path as me in Engineering, and I love him regardless, but the fact that he wants to be like Daddy fills me with so much pride.  Silently, through twenty one years of growth, he is becoming his father, in temperament and drive.
    Summer is upon us, soon it will be so hot we won't want to venture outside.  I know we will burn through a bunch of twenty four hour days like so many stoners and losers where nothing seems to get accomplished, but summer is a time to let the brain rest and reset for another season of growth and learning.  That is all I want from my boys, to continue learning and growing both mentally, spiritually, even physically.  At any point, you don't have to be the best, but I should always see that you are doing something to lead you just a little further down the line.  Tick tock says the clock, all I want from you two is to rock.

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