Wednesday, May 4, 2016

5/4/16 Being Materialistic Is The American Way?

    How do you inspire someone who craves nothing to go out and push himself to succeed?  Honestly, I work as hard and as much as I do because I am a materialistic sum bitch.  I want things, I want nicer things than my neighbor, I want things nobody has.  I tell Wife I will have a yacht before I die.  I want a waterfront house, lake or beach, doesn't matter.  I told Wife when I got my truck, either a fully loaded one or forget it.  I didn't want a truck where Joe Six Pack was going to pull up and show me up.
    My polar opposite is my brother.  He has a Ford Escape that is paid off, and he says he is glad we didn't talk him into getting a bigger truck.  He would have had a monthly payment right now.  He went back home and for awhile was working in the oil fields, but that all dried up when gas prices took a nose dive.  He has been unemployed about a year, his unemployment benefits dried up, he is living at home, so he has no rent being charged to him, not sure why.  Well, my Mom has always said we could go back home if things got tough, he took her at her word, but has made no strides to get back out into the real world.  He doesn't have much in the way of hobbies, he dresses very relaxed, does not concern himself with fads, or even expensive sunglasses.  Give him some jean shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, a baseball hat, and some cheap New Balance shoes and he is dressed any day of the week.
    He is finally taking the hint that maybe it is time to join the workforce again.  My other brother, who is as driven as me, lives next door to mom and he yells at him daily, if he sees him to get his ass back to work.  His job is not necessarily hard, but he does commute daily a total of three hours, if he drives the speed limit, so he is always a little edgy.
    Since he has looked all over down there, he is now thinking of coming back up here to Austin.  He tried using the excuse that he doesn't have money to pay me rent.  I say fine, I can wait a month or two while you get hired.  Once you start working, I want to see the normal $600/month that I have charged him periodically when he has lived with us.  That would go straight to our savings which would be cool.
    He is still saying I don't want to work, why?  I don't need anything, I say just because you're a man, show some freaking pride in yourself.  Work, not because you have to, do it because you want to.

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