Thursday, May 19, 2016

5/19/16 My Nail "Surgery" Taught Me Once Again, People Suck?

    I'm a big boy, I don't need much to get by.  Wife and Chubs smother me with love and attention, and Boy is just a cherry on top.  Not very good at displaying emotions my little robot, but he tries.  But dammit, some of you a-holes out there who I bend myself backwards for regularly, when I am down, even if for a day or two, seriously, put the fucking self absorbed routine down, act like a goddamn human and at least come for a visit. 
    Empathy is something that needs to be taught, so dare I say it is not just your fault you're shitty, but your whole family has taught you to be shitty?  I always like to reverse positions given anything that is going to cost me time and energy.  If I were sick, hungry, out of money, would I want company, would I want someone bringing me a little thoughtful gesture?  I think that is what makes a human decent, we can all say "I am going to pray for you" or "I really care".  How about doing something that burns calories?  I don't mean flowers, or an expensive cake from Central Market, but is it too much to bring even a pie slice from Bill Miller or some cookies from HEB?
    I am learning that I really do go too far for people I have decided to care for around here.  Nobody from even five years ago before Boy graduated bothers coming to visit anymore.  I feel like I was fucking feeding half of Del Valle not that long ago, now all you sum bitches can't be bothered to come over?  You assholes have cars, half of you dingbats aren't doing a fucking productive thing with your lives, sitting around talking about getting drunk.  Slow clap for you.  If this is what "family" means to y'all, take my left nut and choke on it.
    I didn't need any of you to get out to the lake, to go camping, make my way to Disney, and do things you all didn't even know existed.  I wish you well,  Live your narrow empty lives getting by, I will take my experiences and share them elsewhere.  I hate to brag, but you don't find people like me every day, someone willing to lift you higher than you thought you were worth, but maybe that is the problem.  When you grow up surrounded by bullshit and empty promises, it makes it hard to believe when someone you should listen to shows up. 
    Maybe I'm just butthurt, maybe half of y'all that know me suck, either way, I'm fine.  I write it and forget it.  No hard feelings, whether your phone doesn't work, you work too late, you don't know our schedule, you never got our messages, your significant other doesn't let you communicate with us, it's all good.  We got the same phone numbers, I'll be holding me breath, I know y'all will come through with the love.  If not, well, I still wish you well.

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