Friday, May 20, 2016

5/20/16 When Opportunity Knocks, Answer The Door?

    Growing up, I always told myself I wanted to be rich.  We all do that, some of us just want it without a willingness to put in the work.  Well, my male appendage almost ruined everything when "we" got pregnant right as I was interviewing to get into medical school.  After five years of luck, right as I was fixing to stretch my wings, then Girlfriend, tied a noose around me and said nuh-uh.  You gonna fly Fatboy, you gonna carry three.  I laid low, worked in a warehouse, felt sorry for myself for about a year and a half, then I got back on my feet.  I got lucky, or God intervened (most of you don't believe in hard work, God makes things happen, for a few of us), but I landed a job where I am and after a year on the ground floor, was finally allowed to start making some decent money.  The real opportunity came when I heard of a position on nights that had been available for months, nobody wanted it.  There were a handful of other guys with degrees, but nobody thought it a good idea to work nights, some were afraid.
    I went in and that supervisor turned out to be one of my favorite bosses ever.  He was me twenty years later.  Pervert to the bone, once I was trusted, we would go to a steak dinner followed by a strip club every other week, coinciding with payday.  Those were three of my favorite years working with that group.  I never would have known if I didn't take that leap of faith in my ability to work at night.  That job eventually went away as three of the four factories closed, but again, I saw a posting for my current job and once that boss was laid off, along with most of my crew, I knew it was just a matter of time.  I jumped with months to spare.  I am still on nights, right at twenty years, but I love it.  I think it has helped our marriage.  Wife is an awesome person, but she is concentrated and turned up to 10.  Like those frozen orange juice cylinders that you mix with water, she needs to be cut with a little time.  The time apart during the week makes the weekends enjoyable. 
    I believe opportunity is knocking again.  This time for Wife.  She went and got a Master's Degree and for all her efforts, she got a shitty $25 raise a paycheck.  Shit, she got a stipend worth a lot more money for driving the bus this past year and sitting around watching kids twice a week.  And the imbeciles in charge wonder why good people don't go into education... I digress, they called her from a small town 15 minutes from the town we grew up in.  They are offering a Director job, and although I support whatever she does, Chubs lost it and said no.  I believe she is gun-ho for a change, especially since where she is at, she seems to have hit her personal glass ceiling.  ACC has been her "future" for awhile, but they keep hiring from within.  I say if this job is for a year or two, and she can come back with Director on her resume, the sacrifice will be worth it. 
    She would either drive up with Chubs on the weekends, or I would drive down.  She could either stay at my mom's, or we could set up our RV on my mom's property and she could sleep there.  Chub's was supposed to go to an advanced program next year, but I did fine going to school in my hometown.  He could always join it the following year.
    Opportunity does not always show up how we wish it did.  But for those willing to step outside their comfort zones, there will always be a chance to become a thousandaire. 

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