Sunday, May 15, 2016

5/15/16 Smoking, Really?

    I will excuse my Dad and his generation for being smokers, they didn't know any better.  But why is there a single new smoker under 20?  How fucking dense must they be?  I almost made it my business earlier this week when I got to work and three "young" hipster wannabes were standing outside by where I like to park.  All three must have exhaled from their cigarettes at the same time to produce what looked like fog engulfing their upper torsos.  I wanted to open the door and shake them, "didn't you idiots hear all the anti smoking rhetoric?"  "y'all think you look cool right this minute, with your yellow stained teeth, and stinky mouths?"
    I remember being a young kid and running to the corner gas station behind our house.  My Dad would give me a couple bucks to get him some cigarettes, and I was probably rewarded with the change to buy a candy.  It is a miracle that I never picked up the habit.  He would also let us turn on a cigarette for him now and then, which required lighting and inhaling the flavor of the cigarette.  I was doing this, not to be cool, but to do what daddy was doing.  Then society wised up and tobacco became the enemy.  Fierce campaigns were started to curb smoking, you would think there would only be a small population of smokers, nowadays.  But I guess stupidity knows no bounds. 
    My Dad attempted to quit a few years ago, he was chewing those nicotine gums and he seemed to be doing okay, then he decided to cheat.  He picked up the habit whole hog again and I guess he is riding it to the grave, much like his father who passed away from emphysema.  I love my Dad, but if he refuses to help himself we must accept him as is and see what happens, which should not surprise anyone.  My father in law had a two pack a day habit but he got a little bit of a cancer scare about seven years ago, and I guess in order to improve his chances of survival, he quit, cold turkey.  It can be done, but only if the smoker wants to.  All the nagging from the wife is not going to be enough.
    Back to the trio of hipster idiots, "why?"  They cost so much, almost $8.00 for a pack of 20 cigarettes, if you smoke a pack a day, it is costing you over $200 a month for the honor of reducing your life span, losing the ability to taste food, increase the likelihood of lung cancer, walk around with yellow teeth and yellow fingers, increased likelihood of rotted teeth, wife won't kiss you cause you smell, and so on and so forth.  They should learn from the fact that the smoke shack is always empty.  Twenty years ago when I started working there, somebody was always in the smoke shack.  I guess they gathered and discussed important matters and got their nicotine fix.
    I also find it hard to believe people are okay with the smokeless vapor devices.  They sell them in kiosks at the mall, and those assholes will blow a big cloud of vapor and claim it is not smoke.  Listen, Jackass, I don't want to walk through any kind of cloud made up of some shit that was in your body a second before is what it boils down to.  Vapor or smoke, it started inside your body genius, and now you are okay with blowing it in my face.  Let me fart in your general direction so you can smell my intestines, then we'll see how cool your stinky air is against my stinky homemade gas, I can even make you like it but proclaiming it is organic, Douchebag!!

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