Sunday, May 29, 2016

5/30/16 Divergent Friendships?

    While on vacation, we ran into two different kinds of friends.  One from my high school days, one from Austin that we haven't been hanging with much, lately.  It kind of sucks but in a certain given time, both these people were important in our day to day existence, but through living our lives and making decisions we make, both of them have been reduced almost to acquaintance level.
    My childhood friend we ran into was one of two guys I would count as best friends in high school.  We kind of had a falling out our senior year, not getting into anything specific, but he sided with my other friend, so I cut him out of my life.  I then continued my path through school, he chose not to even try, so over time we had less and less in common.  By the time I moved to Austin, we lost track of each other, he moved out of town with his mom, last I heard.  Then through happenstance, he became a truck driver and ran in the same circles my dad did.  My dad was at the end of his career and his was just starting, but they knew each other and were friendly, on the CB radio and they'd run into each other periodically until my dad retired.
    I graduated high school in 1989.  Since then, I think I had seen this guy one other time, he came by the house to say hi to my dad and we happened to be in town.  We are in 2016, that's like 27 years in between.  We were probably 17 last time we hung out.  What do I owe this guy?  Is a hug in order, a handshake?  Fake promises to get together, exchange phone numbers and text?  It has been a long time, I believe he is on marriage two, according to my mom, I don't know.
    In this same weekend in Corpus Christi, we also ran into our old neighbor from our first house, who happens to be Girlie's aunt.  She was on vacation with her daughter and the daughter's baby.  They were people we camped with regularly in our RV, took boating almost every weekend when the boat was new.  But then they got a divorce.  We didn't take sides, we've stayed in touch with both sides, we had nothing to do with them divorcing.  But even though we both like her, she started dating a loser, and I can't handle loser guys.  What do you talk to a guy in his 40's who still lives with Mama?  Drives Mama's better car when going out of town?  One time we are in Corpus on a weekend and he shows up unannounced, with his husky daughter, and doesn't ask if he can stay with us, just kind of hangs out until it is too late, then our ex-neighbor kind of says "can they stay?"  It was close to midnight, what could I say?  He about shat himself the next day when they did go looking for a hotel, but would not pay the $200.  I believe they ended up staying at our ex-neighbor's relatives.
    Shenanigans like this had me not even thinking about inviting her over because it means Captain Loose Socks is coming along.  It was nice seeing her Saturday without the Anchor, so we made plans to get together for dinner Sunday night after I double checked he wasn't going to show up.  She implied they were on the outs, which really, what does he bring to the table, maybe he is a tripod, otherwise, I see nothing but a big L on his forehead.  Dinner was nice, even though we had to wait almost an hour, time went by fast.  We know all the same people, it is easy to fill in and catch up.  I always think ahead, and maybe we'll be hanging out again, but I need proof Anchor Boy is gone.

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