Tuesday, May 17, 2016

5/17/16 My Experiences Make Me?

    When America decided it was time to go to the moon, it pinned back its ears and got its ass moving.  In a short time, Neil Armstrong bounced around the moon's surface.  When Mexico decided it was time to go to the moon, either Wife or my Mom called the Casa Blanca (I don't know who is in charge), and reminded them that it would be too expensive.  They pinned another beer back and watched as their neighbors to the north became synonymous with space flight, jets, rockets, the future.  Mexico has soccer and tequila, equally good stuff.
    I have an itch up my ass to get some kayaks and become "those types of people."  Wife of course is more worried about holding on to the two dollars we got in the bank, and my mom who is supposed to be all encouraging just said it would be a waste of money, like most everything else I try to get into.  These are my closest allies, and they wonder why I talk to other people.  Like man reaching the moon, it only comes after the collective people rally together and you strive forward.  Will it be better long term to just sit on my fat ass and watch the sun set from my patio every day?  Ay Dios Mio, let's not venture out, it will be far safer to stay home, and maybe count pennies, that would make an excellent hobby.
    Maybe the boat cost me some money and maybe we don't use it anymore.  It still runs, it's just a matter of spending money to get it going.  We have a lot of great memories on the boat, we wouldn't even know how many lakes are around us if I hadn't grown a pair and gotten the boat in the first place.  Maybe we didn't use the RV last season, I was between trucks, and my new truck currently still doesn't have a hitch so I can't move my RV yet this season.  But if it weren't for me once again forging the path and getting into the RV lifestyle, my parents, in laws, and brother in law would not currently own an RV.  My brother in law is right now living in his RV while they sell their house to make the move to a larger newer house.  Yeah, that is possible because I took the risk and bought an RV.
    I know it is human nature to be wary and scared, but to the risk takers come the rewards.  I have coworkers with more money than brains and what does it matter?  When you put it all away, how much have you enjoyed your riches?  I guess your cat can live the high life when you die prematurely of a tightened sphincter cause you never relaxed and had fun.  Good planning there genius, we are all impressed.  Look at any of the countries that are too cheap to look forward and think "would you want to live there than here?"  The US has its problems, but if you want to experience shit and be part of the future, you are better off here than in tequila town.

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