Friday, August 7, 2015

8/7/15 A Life UnChallenged? part 1 (story)

    I could never listen to those that claimed to know better than me.  "Why, it's not like they were living my life!" I said.  If there is one thing that bothers me "it's people that claim to know me.  I am special after all."  This was her usual mantra when anyone got too close and tried giving advice.
    Deandra waited for her man by the window a little upset as usual, he was a little late, but he could always blame his poor calendar skills on his hunk of a car.  To you and I it was a piece of shit from the 80s old Cadillac shell, with a refurbished motor which kept him horizontal and on his back more than that poor girl inside ever could.  He was a simple man, not what anyone would ever call a scholar, but then again, every bowl has a spoon, Deandra didn't like them smart.  She liked a dullard, "why be with a man who is constantly going to be asking me about the news, I ain't CNN, I don't care."
    "Aw Babe, was talking to TJ and he found some a them power seats for the caddy, I'll be spending tomorrow installing them, but then my Princess gonna ride in style."  They came off a drunk ahole, tore car in half, he got thrown out into a field.  But the seats are clean, not even a touch of blood, "good thing people don't wear their seat belts round here... he muttered.  She half heartedly smiled, she liked it when he called her Princess, even at thirty and with a couple kids somewhere in the apartment, she felt she was destined for greatness.  Prince Charming might still some day show up and clean up her life, put her on track where she deserved to be.
    "Well your late, anyway."  "You promised me dinner, I showered and look, even did my nails..." sorry babe, game's fixing to start.  Joey was dull in all aspects of life, wrote the little yellow bus in elementary school, but when it came to sports, he was like a different man.  He knew stats, who was playing who, how many times they had played each other.  "Make some of them chimichangas, put your Tex-mex roots to good use."  "I don't care if they're microwaved"  He got loud when he got excited and a little sarcastic, "andale andale arriba a-rrrrriba" once he got going, it took a while to calm him down.
    There she was, all dressed up for a night out, staring out the window, nobody telling her what to do, other than running that microwave.  "Things will get better."  she thought.  Of course, her thinking was broken up by kid #2 walking in with a shitty diaper, while kid #1 rubbed his snotty nose on her favorite dress.

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