Friday, August 28, 2015

8/28/15 Unsure About Chubs Joining The Leadership Program At School?

    Chubs ended up going back to his elementary school he has been going to since kindergarten.  He is now a fifth grader, and was selected at the end of last year to join this year's Leadership Program.  These are the busy body kids that do a lot of behind the scenes set-up and break downs.  For instance, they bring out the flag in the morning and put it on the flagpole.  That sounds great, my problem is that these are also the kids helping in the morning and after school during drop-off and pick-up of the general population in the school.
    I just feel they are not as safe, once they are moving about between cars, setting up the orange cones, then of course, the cones must be picked up after school.  They have little poles also, and control the flow of traffic in the mornings, helping people cross the street, with the help of a professional crossing guard.  I would just rather my son stay in the school, but as I am told it is an honor for the child to be selected.
    He has until Friday (8/28/15), to decide whether he is going to do it or not.  He seems excited, since it is mostly the good kids in his class, and of course my boy is one of the good ones.  I see the kids, during assemblies, they help people, telling them where to go.  This are really efficient miniature teams that take care of tasks like ants.
    Another benefit to him joining is that he can get dropped off a little earlier, and Wife needs those extra minutes to allow her to get to work on time.  There would also be a slight delay after school, so I could sleep just a little bit longer. 
    I understand it is an honor, and these are the most trustworthy kids, so if he wants to do this, we fully support him.  It may help build friendships that continue through high school, so it could be important to him, socially.  But if he joins and just complains, I will be the first to act in his defense.  This might cut into our after school lunch eating routine, but I guess both of us could stand to skip a meal or two, once in awhile.

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