Wednesday, August 12, 2015

8/13/15 Melatonin Is For Real?

    I told Wife I was having a bad time sleeping the last couple months.  She went and got me melatonin.  It supposedly helps those with trouble sleeping, sleep deeper so they will get to REM state.  I don't usually believe Wife when she goes out and gets some new pills, I even "lovingly" call her my lil "Bruja" (witch), but wow, I had the most vivid dreams three nights in a row that I can still describe like I was there.
    The first night's dream I already mentioned in another blog, as a side note, but it started with me lost in my old high school.  Somewhere along the back of the stage, there was a secret room, I was told it was a bathroom, I walk in and suddenly a voice in the wall is giving me instructions as to what to do.  This seems freaky and unnecessary, but I gotta do what I gotta do, I then promptly followed a student heading to the back (even though I started in my high school, it was clearly some sort of university research setting).  I was ready to yell and maybe sock this dude in the head, but the research was real, at least there was also a secretary bored as heck entering data of the poop, and students running the poop through machines and stuff.  The end had some other college coed and an umbrella contraption to wash our junk and she was so pretty I just lined up and lost all my anger.  At this point, I came too, and realized, I am dreaming way too much of peeing, I am going to pee myself, but I made it to the bathroom.
    The second dream started out in a neighborhood, maybe I was a troublemaker but I am involved in a bad drug bust and there is a lot of gun shooting, and suddenly a bunch of people my age are in a football field and we are being talked to about drugs but I become like Wolverine and his brother in the beginning of that movie where Wolverine is going through all the wars, and there is just gun blasting and blood everywhere, like Wolverine, I couldn't be hurt, but dream was too intense, and I woke up and got on computer for awhile to look at naked girls, I hate serious dreams like that.
    The third night also started in a high school setting, but it was all artsy-fartsy, I was supposed to find an art teacher and work with her on some sort of project.  The problem was that she was on the second floor and none of the stairways went all the way.  There were half stairs here and there, eventually I cheated and used a rope to get up.  My teacher was obsessed with food, she was chubby, but not fat, and through her art we transposed to her house, which was a never ending mansion, best described like the Hansel and Gretel Witch.  She had pools with fishes of all kind to eat fresh, and anything we drew turned into real food.  The faster you ran in one direction, the faster the mountains of food grew before our eyes.  When I realized I needed to get out of there, suddenly Wife and Chubs were involved, and like all catch-22 situations, they show up, I have been there too long, I can see the exit, but they are in love with the place.  I wake up trying to pull them out through an entryway that leads out.
    Like I said, I hadn't been hardly dreaming, but whatever those little melatonin pills kick-started, I had three nights with such intense dreams, I can still think about them individually.

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