Friday, December 2, 2022

11/29/22 Too Busy For Death?

     I know the title is obnoxious and even a bit insensitive, but in the moment, I feel that right now is the worst time to have outlier events to make us break our stride.  A couple days ago, someone in our family chat put a notice that one of my best friends from when I was young passed away.  I immediately assumed it was a heart attack, he was always a bit bigger than me, and it kind of prompted me to start cutting out all the sweets I have been eating lately, which I had been telling myself to stop doing.  It turns out, he was in a trucking accident, or that is what my mom told me had happened, he was a truck driver for quite a long time, I think he was out on the routes with my dad like a decade ago, when dad was still driving.

    My family lives in a bubble where everything is still basically the same as if it was still the 80's.  My brother moved next door to the left and my sister brought the land behind my mom's house and built a house there.  They still interact with their friends from school, their kids hang out, that kind of tight knit community.  I am not saying that is better or worse, but I moved away in 1991.  We are going on 34 years where I saw the friend that passed away once, maybe twice.  I am sorry he passed away, but I don't feel obliged to go to his funeral, not that I we have time.

    I kind of have to throw my dad in there, he got sick this week, and my mom let us all know.  I feel guilty as hell, but I can't just stop and go.  We are in the meat of the wrestling season, these next three weekends will be dominated by tournaments, and we are stopping only because the Christmas holidays are in the way.  There was a dual Wednesday night, which was Mijo's first match, and all went well.  I don't want him missing tournaments after losing most of his football season to the two injuries on his knee then ankle.  He is finally feeling near 100%, so he needs to get in there and do what he does best.  It bothered him that the district honors came out and he barely acknowledged as an Honorable Mention, after making 2nd Team All District the last two years, it seems like a step back.  I thought it was great to still get noticed even if he only played 3.5 games.

    With this in mind, it sounds like a dick move, but I keep telling dad he needs to keep it together until we get past the wrestling season, he needs to be healthier.  It doesn't help that Wife goes on a conference trip next week.  These are supposed to be the great moments of Mijo's high school days, but man, it is hard to focus on everything going on all at once.

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