Tuesday, December 27, 2022

12/23/22 Christmas At My In-Law's House?

     Even with the weather crapping out on Friday, we still managed to go down to San Antonio and spent the 23rd with Wife's family.  I generally enjoy going, they always have plenty of food and they know I like to close my eyes for a bit after we eat, so I can usually go in their bedroom and nap or just lay there in some quietness for a while.  I can put up with too many kids, I can put up with my in-law's corny jokes, but one thing I can't stand is a yapping dog.

    This has now become a problem over the last couple times we have gone to visit.  Thanks to my brother-in-law, who got a dachshund for his boys, only to decide it was too much and then give it to my mother-in-law almost immediately, there now exists a dog that was not needed.  I say not needed because there are already like 4-5 other dogs in the house.  They are the type of family to take in all the shitty strays that probably other people don't want to dela with.  My older sister-in-law lives there, and she has two dogs she keeps up in her room, one did just pass away, that dog looked like a firecracker had just exploded in her face, like in the cartoons, where the face is a bit blackened, and the whiskers are just curled up and burned, I don't know, but that is the image I got when I saw it.  Then the two nephews who live there each have their own dog, and one of those dogs is another stray type who wheezes and makes old man noises, and it is weird, when you try to show it affection, it growls, so you can't even sit and hug it or play with it.  I guess one of the dogs is cool, but that one is kept outside because it is bigger.

    This dachshund was a shit dog since day one.  When they first got it, it kept trying to bite me, and just played aggressively, I wanted to whack it and put it in its place, but they wouldn't let me.  Fast forward a year and the Shitdog is now grown, and all it does is bark and snap at everyone it doesn't recognize.  I asked Wife to tell them to do something with it before we went down there because I did not enjoy hearing it bark and yap the whole time we were there for Thanksgiving.  I guess the message fell on deaf ears or they would rather have the dog happy than me, but they did the exact same thing, they keep this trash dog's pen in the living room, so when we got there, they scooped up the dog and placed it in the cage.  I then got to hear it barking the whole time we were there.  Wife liked saying I was being dramatic, it did shut up when I went into my in-law's room and napped, but the second I came back out, it remembered it exists solely to yip and bark.

    Wife couldn't understand why I was so bothered by this, I mean she was able to block it out, I should do the same, it's no big deal.  I guess I should have, I mean life is supposed to be tolerated, not enjoyed, for the sake of others.  I guess if I wasn't so up my own ass, there were games to be enjoyed, but after all the barking, which is all I remember, I guess I didn't notice.

    DD reminded me this is what it was like for him with my mom's dachshund who acts like an ass with him, going at him and barking way too much.  Since she doesn't do that to me, I hadn't notice too much.  I guess all small dogs are assholes, in their own way.

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