Friday, December 23, 2022

12/22/22 Wrestling Family?

     We got new insight as to how it feels to be on the wrestling team, and it made me feel good.  The daughter of the booster club mom who has become our friend decided to join wrestling, which seemed weird because she is rather "girlie" and seemed right at home as a Tex-ann, the drill/dance team.  For some reason, the wrestling team has become hugely popular, with something like 56 members, it is almost too many to know everybody.  Also, because there are so many wrestlers, the two coaches can only be at one place at any given time.  At the Bryan tournament last week, for example.  There were twenty mats and matches going on at any given time involving any of our wrestlers at the same time, from the rookies to JV, to Varsity and either male or female, and in any of the 10-11 weight categories.  It was almost impossible to keep track of who might be wrestling at any given time.  They did separate the mats, such as the rookies were assigned to the far left 4-6 mats and the varsity were on the opposite side.  The JV and women were then in the middle, so everyone wrestled at the same time.

    The point of all this, is that for example, the new girl felt alone when the coaches did not make it to her corner for her match, but before she would start Mijo or one of the more experienced wrestlers would go and sit as her coach, in her corner.  This is allowed and happens all the time.  Even after a loss, she was glad that a few wrestlers would come around and hug her and give her support that she is getting better and not to worry about the outcome, what matters is that you learned from it.  This was in stark contrast to one particular guy I noticed wrestling who hurt his ankle, he had two dopey guys giving instructions in his corner and when he got injured, they wouldn't even come and kneel close to him.  Even if you can't render aid, sometimes it is nice not to feel alone, when you get hurt.  It took a few minutes and some words from the ref to get those boys to come and help their teammate off the mat.  I would hate it if our team was like that.

    Instead, like the new girl says, the Cougars all rally around one another and cheer each other on.  Even outside, one of the wrestlers is in band and asked the group to go support her, and a good amount of them went over after practice to watch the band perform.  The same thing has happened when the softball team was making a run to the playoffs last year and for the basketball team, because players are doing multiple sports.  I like the camaraderie and support for each other.

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