Monday, December 5, 2022

12/4/22 Texting Mijo In Korea?

     I thought about texting Mijo in Korea yesterday during the day.  I figured his time is add 3 hours to ours and then change the AM to PM or vice versa.  So yesterday, when it was 2:00pm here, it was 5am over there.  I thought this around 2-3pm, but figured he was just getting up.  I then waited and the day got away from me.  Then, he texted me around 1:00am, so it was probably 4:00pm for him.  He said the tool that he was there to help with had worked perfectly out of the box, so he was just standing around just in case.  This is probably the best scenario an installer of a new tool can hope for, so they don't have to do anything special, just be there for emotional support.

    He has plans to go to the world's largest mall, according to him.  He said it has ten floors, which sounds amazing, plus all the big names in watches have their own boutique shops, or the knock-off market brands are so strong, they are passing themselves off, I don't know.  I honestly have no idea how regulated the market is over there, but I would be afraid to buy something I thought was of high value, like a Rolex, only to find it is a cheap knock-off later.

He also mentioned his translator was asleep, since around 1:00pm, and it was coming up on 6:00pm, he needed to wake up, but he didn't want to bother him.  I asked about in general, how were the people behaving towards him, compared to the Japanese?  He said they were just as polite as the Japanese, there is a lot of bowing going on over there, as a show of respect, I guess.  From the pictures, it looks like people have a lot of pride in their communities, as everything looks so clean.

    We texted on and off for about two hours, until I started feeling sleepy, and told him I was going to sleep.  I don't know if his trip will be cut short, the tool seemed to work well right out of the box, so I don't know why he would stick around for 3 weeks, if he isn't needed for anything, but maybe that is part of the fun.  I asked about his hotel, and he said it was smaller than the one in Japan, this one was just a regular Best Western.  He sent me the internet website for the hotel and pics looked like a postcard perfect place, they always do.  Ultimately, I am hoping these are all good experiences for Mijo who always seemed like he would grow up into this guy, the traveler type who can show up and fix things.

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