Thursday, December 8, 2022

12/7/22 Anderson Dual?

     I love the idea of a dual because it is just two schools and the whole thing can be done in an hour, definitely less than two hours.  Basically, the different weight classes for the girls line up from smallest to heaviest and they all go.  If there isn't a person for a given weight class, the other team wins in a forfeit.  Anderson had a small girls' team, we seemed to get a few forfeits, including Mijo's gf.  Although we have a huge team, not everybody is ready yet and at their assigned roles.  Mijo's sparring partner from last year still can't get down to 215, he is stuck at 220, which was the top of that weight class last year, it's shitty that they lowered the maximum weight for that class.  We have been using two new guys to fill the role, but that weight class is unforgiving, there is usually a beast at that weight class, think smaller lineman or big linebacker in the role.  All that will get squared away with a little more time.

    We had three solid wins at the varsity boys' level, including the heavy, which Mijo represents.  It was a long-drawn-out match, that in real time lasted like 10 minutes.  The Anderson kid actually had Mijo about pinned before he started bleeding from the nose.  This resulted in a "blood time" timeout.  Both wrestlers are given 5 minutes in the event of bleeding.  He seemed to stop it after a couple minutes, then the fight resumed.  It went ok into the second round, then Mijo kind of smashed his face into the mat, looks gruesome, but it is totally legal, and it has been done to him many times.  This got his nose bleeding again for almost three minutes it seemed.  The fight picked up again after a few more minutes, then when it looked like Mijo was going to get a pin, he slammed the kid hard with a neck grab and threw his body over his hip, landing on top of him, the kid bled again, and the fight was stopped a third time.  This kid was hard to fight, for Mijo.  He had fought last week as a JV kid, so Mijo's sparring partner went against him, and he pinned him in less than a minute.  The problem is that the kid was a full foot taller than my boy and he couldn't get him under control, he was like a willow tree, just bending and weaving, annoying Mijo.  He wasn't really strong, and never controlled the fight, our boy just couldn't figure how to control him.

    It was a fun night with the win to seal it, but it gets late fast.  By the time we get back to school and the boys settle down enough to leave, it must have been after 9:00pm when we got in the car.  We then went to eat at Whataburger, and got home after 10:30pm.  Mijo was moving slow this morning, that is for sure.

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