Monday, May 9, 2022

5/9/22 Conforming To Norms?

     I love having a "ghetto bed" in the living room, but my folks have both complained that they do not like sleeping out in the open, so in an effort to make them more comfortable, I spent the morning moving all sorts of furniture around.  Last year, after DD moved out, I decided that room should be our weight room, that was about the same time Wife was moving back home, so it made sense to move the weights into a bedroom instead of having them out in the living room.  We had a bed in that room, so it made sense if we were going to move a bench for bench press, a squat rack, bunches of free weights, a treadmill, and everything else we have, the bed would have to go.  I could have taken it up to the room Boy uses for his 3D printers, so far, he moved out and those printers are just collecting dust.  I could have moved stuff around and made the bed fit, but then my dad has a hard time climbing stairs, and they would rather have a bed downstairs.

    My solution, and I thought it was a good one, was to buy curtains and make the living room more or less private, we can close it off from the rest of the house, which I liked in the event we lose power and have to rely on our portable A/C, that would be the room I would prefer to keep cool, and the curtains allow for that.  This was still not good enough for my parents, so here we go.  This morning I was moving stuff around, Boy is graduating on Thursday, so they will be coming up.  I am not going to bring out the weights, I simply collapsed them down against the wall, but I believe they will have plenty of space for them to walk around the bed.

    I then had to rearrange the living room, it really is a huge room, and I liked the sofa halfway up the room, closer to the TV, at the foot of the bed.  The sofa against the wall makes the TV feel like it is far away, even if it is a giant projector screen.

    We also spent Saturday afternoon cleaning up Baby A's old bedroom, thinking my brother was coming up with some of his family, but he said it would just be him, for the day.  Still, the room needed the cleaning, we took out about 4 trash bags of trash, and about 4 loads of clothes to wash.  Apart from that, we found a bunch of his regular clothes, all folded, on the floor behind a chair he was using to stage his clothes.  Now at least, we can say he is fully moved into his room, 95% of his stuff has moved over, there are just some posters and knickknacks he has to decide if he wants.  

    I guess that is the good thing about having company come over, it gives us a good reason to clean, otherwise, we just put it off.

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