Friday, May 6, 2022

5/6/22 Finally Bought Some Wood Flooring For Our House?

     We have been talking about replacing the floors in our house for about the last five years.  Every year, we start with the discussion that this will be the year we finally tackle this task.  The reality is that if I were to do it like I wanted to, it would probably run up to around $25,000 or more.  I want the best woods and nothing that says laminate or plastic materials.  This is a fantasy, plus, the more I read about these products, the more uncertain I become as to what is best.  A few years ago, both Home Depot and Lowes caried solid hardwood floors as a choice, but I have been noticing in recent years, that option is harder and harder to find.  The choices today seem to have a lot of plastic and laminates, but I believe they are just a superior product now that they have really figured out how to make these floors.

    I went and bought a very middle of the road product, as far as costs go.  The 10 boxes I need for the first room I am going to try and install this was a decent cost of $330.  This is really not bad, considering the box says it is do-it-yourself friendly, even comes with a built-in underlayment, the product is water-resistant, and has a Limited Lifetime warranty.  Along with the flooring, I also bought a small saw that says it can handle all the different cuts required to install flooring, from ripping, to cross-cutting.  The biggest decision was what color to go with.  Wife and I had both liked the look of Acacia wood, and we had both liked grey, as a color.  I wanted the flooring to be textured, I fear slipping and falling, if it is just super smooth.

    I think the last straw was trying to vacuum today and just being disgusted by the look of the carpet.  We have been in this house over 15 years at this point, so the carpets have seen better days.  I couldn't just ignore it anymore, we aren't poor, so what has been the hold up?  I decided to go to Lowe's, and I wouldn't leave until I bought something.  I left at 4:20pm and was there until 5:50pm.  I left mostly because I knew Mijo would be about ready to be picked up.  I did choose to only get enough flooring for the one room.  As much as I would love to see the whole house looking new like when we moved in, I am afraid the cost would kill me, plus there is also the weight to transfer so many boxes to the house, and finally I need to see how easy/hard this plays out to be.

    I am excited, after talking about it for so many years, we finally have the beginnings of something possibly great.  I will start on Sunday, at the earliest.  From what I am reading, the wood has to acclimate for a couple days, at least.

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