Friday, May 13, 2022

5/13/22 About A Perfect Day For A Graduation?

     Yesterday was Boy's graduation from Texas State and things went about as smooth as they could.  There were many small things that could have been problems, but everything worked itself out and the day went down as best as we could have practiced it.  The day started around 9:00am.  Baby A was supposed to go to school, but since his first class is football, all he was going to do was go and get himself all sweaty, so we let him off the hook and let him miss his morning classes, until it came to his 11:00am ACC class, which he had a final for.  I decided to get up at 9:00am, drink a cup of coffee and then go shower before taking him to campus at 10:50am.  My folks showed up right as we were fixing to leave the house, so of course, we had to get off and help them get their bags inside the house and hug them before taking off.

    Mijo went and had his test for about an hour, I came home, chatted with my folks, then got dressed.  Mijo was done with his test within an hour, we were not ready for his call, both Wife and I were still bouncing around half naked in the bathroom, we just told him to chill.  We got going within a few minutes, picked up our young boy and headed to the Texas State campus.  My other brother called, he was headed to the graduation by himself, as were another cousin of his, his other grandparents, and Wife's older sister and her hubby.

    The line of traffic in San Marcos was quite long and it took a lot of patience to stay calm, my mom did not like a couple of cars passing me in the middle turning lane, but it isn't worth fighting over either.  Eventually, we made it to the arena and luckily, we had a handicap sign in the car, so we were able to park almost right outside the doors to the arena.  We bought some "graduate gifts" right outside the doors and then we were inside.  We got lucky and ran into almost everyone in our party within a few minutes.  My in-laws already had a long section of seats waiting for us.  I was honestly impressed at how fast the graduation went; I don't recall a faster graduation event that this one.  We were out the doors within an hour and a half.  Eventually, we found Boy and we took pictures with everybody right outside, but at least we were in the shade.

    Afterwards, it got a little confusing, my brother somehow parked way off campus in a private parking lot and it left him about a mile away, so afterwards we drove him to his car.  Then there was the cake to pick up afterwards before heading to Salt Lick.  The meal started perfect, the room was nice, cool, and quiet.  Then a party of female assholes showed up and the volume went from a 3-4 to a full blown 10.  we could not hear ourselves think for all the "woo-hoos" and "you go, girl!"  Other than that, it was a pretty good day.

    Luckily, that party of loud bitches left quickly and by the time we were cutting the cake, the volume was back down to a dull roar.  Boy opened his gifts, and we ended the meal in comfort.  I could not wait to get home and just take off all the dress clothes and get back to normal.  We were home by 8:00pm, and I was napping in my bed upstairs by 8:30pm.

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