Sunday, May 29, 2022

5/28/22 Does Getting Old Just Creep In?

     I saw a TikTok yesterday that brought up the idea of getting old and the girl said she felt old when realizing a ticket to Disney World is now over $100 for a day ticket, and she remembers when a season pass was less than $50.  I thought that was interesting, yet for me, getting old has been a lot more subtle.  I don't know when it happened, but there was a time when we had a boat and several RVs over a good 10-year period and the most exciting time of the year was spring when we would prepare to take our RV to the coast, specifically Corpus Christi, and then proceed to go as many weekends as possible down there over the summer months.

    Nowadays, I see the temperature going over 90 degrees and I don't want anything to do with being outside, it seems like a punishment to be outside sweating.  We were invited to the lake by Girlie and her family during the week, and although I thought it could be fun, Wife was more cautious, but the idea that Girlie said we should plan on getting out there at 8:00am to get a good spot just ruined the idea.  There is really no way Wife is getting up that early on one of her few days to sleep in just to get up and sit around some lukewarm lake, and I had to agree that did not sound like fun.  I really do want to go fishing and have some of those experiences we had 10 years ago, for Mijo, but he already spends too much time out in the sun and heat with all his football practice.  He doesn't get excited at the thought of spending an extra day out in the heat.

    Right now, my idea of a good day is getting up early, around 7:00-8:00am, but only going as far as the kitchen, making some coffee and hopefully pairing it with some sort of bread.  I love the quietness of waking up when Wife and Mijo are still asleep, this gives me a quiet, peaceful house.  I then like to think about a nap, even if I don't get around to one, sometime in the early afternoon.

    Honestly, we have the pool right outside our backyard, but who wants to go out and get in the heat and sun when we can just stay indoors with the AC set to 71?  I am looking at the grill as well.  Yesterday (Saturday), was a great day for some grilling fun, but I did not prepare by getting meat early and the idea of going out in the middle of the day, once it got later and hotter just ruined the idea.  In the end, we napped from about 4:00-7:00pm, after sitting and watching the new Obi-Wan Kenobi series on Disney (first two episodes are out).  I got up, but Wife slept a little longer in the living room ghetto bed.  She only woke because Mijo came down wondering what we were going to eat.  We wound up going to get very sub-par pizza at almost 10:00pm, then sitting and watching Tombstone in yet another weekend of showing our son an old classic.  He liked it, which to me means it was a good restful day.

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