Sunday, May 8, 2022

5/7/22 Refinance Before A Birthday Party?

    Last weekend, it was for my mom, this weekend it is my mother-in-law's turn to celebrate her birthday, so there we went, yet again, to San Antonio for a festive brunch.  The time was a little early, they all decided to get together at 10:00am.  If we reverse it back and engineer the morning, it meant we had to leave around 8:45am, which meant we had to get up at 8:00am, the latest, in order to be showered and ready to go on time.  I got up at 6:00am, not because I wanted to, but because it usually happens on the weekends.  This at least gave me time to get on the computer and do whatever I like to do before everybody wakes up an gets annoying.
    Yesterday, I got a bug up my ass about possibly refinancing the house yet again, I keep hearing about using the new equity in your house to do upgrades and whatever.  After getting the guilt trip by Wife on Friday, I bought wood flooring when she really has a tooth, she has been waiting on to get fixed, so it is my fault she is walking around in discomfort.  I've told her to get it fixed, we'll figure out a way to pay for everything.  The idea was that we'll just pull $100,000 and pay the car off and all the little BS that has accumulated over the past year and then we'll just have the one house payment plus whatever utilities.  I liked the idea but then looking at interest rates, they have about doubled, it seems.  We refinanced at 2.75% a year and a half ago.  Now we are looking at interest rates above 4 and closer to 5%, which is ridiculous to me.  I had kind of seen this, prior to starting the process online, but until you do, you won't know what the interest rate will really be.
    Either way, as soon as I finished entering my information on Lending Tree, I started getting phone calls, texts, and e-mails.  It seems automated, honestly, and a bit annoying, but I asked for it.  I finally picked up a random call and had a conversation with a fairly nice lady from Georgia.  She took my information down, and said she would contact me on Monday, when the markets open up about an interest rate we can lock in, if I am interested.  I said thank you and went on my way.
    By this time, I had already taken a shower and gotten mostly ready, Wife and Mijo were up and showered and had made their way downstairs.  We then headed out and on the road.  I brought up the discussion with Wife, and I expected a little push back, which is fine, but in the end, she was on my side and agreed if I thought this was best, we should do it.  In talking to her, I kind of talked myself out of the idea, though (fuck them higher interest rates).  We have plenty of money, as I was showing her by going through our finances, when we got back home.  If she chooses to get her tooth fixed, for example, I don't need to send $400 to my watch, I am just trying to pay it off quickly, same with Best Buy, or a few other cards.  I could be sending less than $100 to at least three cards that I send $300 a month to, so yes, we are better than we seem.  I just don't believe in leaving money in the bank if we have credit cards we owe on.

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